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California Building Permits for January
*-Included in Los Angeles totals.
Common N.mes Often Conflict Sunset Lumber Co. Has New With Foreisn \7oods Manager
From time to time the Lumber Division receives trade advices pertaining to the confusion which often arises in foreign markets as to "common names" for American woods and certain foreign woods, according to a statement made by Mr. Leighton H. Peebles, Chief of the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce.
On account of similar common names for woods, exporters and importers often find themselves perplexed. For example, Northern European pine (Pinus sylvestris) is commonly termed in Europe "redwood." This pine is similar to the Norway pine of our Northeastern and Lake States and is not related in any way to our California redwood nor does it have the same characteristics. California redwood is known to be resistant to decay, insect attack and fire whereas European "redwood" must be treated to give this protection.
Another illustration is European spruce (Picea excelsa) which is ordinarily called "whitewood" in Europe, yet it is an entirely different species from Ameri,can yellow poplar which likewise goes under the name of whitewood bbth in foreign markets and in certain sections of the United States. American exporters ate urged by Mr. Peebles to do more sales promotion work abroad and not permit conflicting trade names for woods to influence competition. A cleai understanding on the part of a foreign customer as to the particular,characteristi'cs and value of American woods will assist considerably in averting price competition with dissimilar species of wood.
George T. Gerken has been appointed general manager of the Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland, succeeding Gerald G. (J.rty) Pearce, who recently resigned.' Mr. Gerken, who assumed his new duties January 15, has been associated with the various companies of the Chas. Nelson Co. interests for 25 years. He was recently in charge of the pipe and cross arm departments.
In May, 1929, the Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., National Mill & Lumber Co.; and Pacific Tank & Pipe Co. were merged with the Sunset Lumber Co.
Philippine Sawmill Production During October
Philippine sawmill production by 43 mills during October 1931 amounted to 15,116,000 board feet.compared with 15,440,000 feet in September, a decrease of2 per cent, states a report from Trade Commissioner E. D. Hester at Manila to the Lumber Division of the Department of Commerce. Production in October l93O wat 13,673,0m feet. The Lumber Division understands that these statistics cover -approximately 90 per cent of the total Philip- pine sawmill production.
Mill inventories in October 1931 increased to n,gl0,W feet from Dp6i9,W feet in September. In October 1930 inventories were 49,757,000 feet.
J. D. Tennant