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For the Betterment of Business Competitive Mountain States Retailers Hold Annual Relationships and Employer-Employee Meeting at Denver Relations

Rotarian Joe Todd of the Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, has asked The California Lumber Merchant to publish "Paul's Letter to the Galatians" as taken from Goodspeed and Smith's, "The Short Bible," in behalf of the Vocational Service Committee of the Oakland Rotary Club. The Committee thinks it applies to our present business, political and financial troubles as well as the day it was written, and would like to see this published in the different trade journals.

"For you, brothers, have been called to freedom; only do not make your freedom an. excuse for the physical, but in love be slaves to one another. For the whole law is summed up in one saying: 'You must love your neighbor as you do yourself.' But if you bite one another and eat one another, take care, or you will be destroyed by one another.

"I mean this: Live by the Spirit, and then you will not indulge your physical cravings. For the physical cravings are against the Spirit, and the cravings of the Spirit are against the physical; the two are in opposition, so that you cannot do anything you please. But if you are guided by the Spirit, you are not subject to law. The things our physical nature does are clear enough-immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, quarreling, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party-spirit, envy, drunkenness, carousing and the like. I warn you as I did before that people who do such things will have no lhare in the Kingdom of God. But what the Spirit produces is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. There is no law against such things !

"If we live by the Spirit, let us be guided by the Spirit. Let us not in our vanity challenge one another or envy one another. But if a man is caught doing something wrong, brothers, you are spiritual, and you must set him right, in a spirit of gentleness. Think of yourself, for you may be tempted, too. Bear one another's burdens; and in that way carry out the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is somebody when he is really nobody, he is deceiving himself. Every man ought to test his own work and then whatever satisfaction he has will be with reference to himself, and not in comparison with someone else. FOR EVERYONE WILL HAVE TO CARRY HIS OWN LOAD."


SAN CARLOS Co. has ooened a retail lum-

The Mountain States Lumber Dealers' Association held their 33rd annual convention at the Brown Palace Hotel, Denver, Colo., January 16-77. G. C. Rowell, Warren Lumber Company, Fort Morgan, Colo., was elected president. Vice presidents elected: W. C. Kurtz, Independent Lumber Co., Grand Junction, Colo.; Oscar Rohlff, Rohlff Lumber & Supply Co., Casper, Wyo., and K. J. Baldridge, J. C. Baldridge Lumber Co., Albuquerque, N. M.

Directors elected: O. D. Lewis, Sterling Lumber Co., Inc., Sterling, Colo.; Frank Weller, Weller Lumber Co., Greeley, Colo.; R. F. Frantz, Englewood, Colo.; G. R. Ilarries, IJniversity Park Lumber Co., Denver, Colo.; George T. Babcock, Green & Babcock, Inc., Rocky Ford, Colo.; T. Matt Collier, Collier Lumber Co., Colorado Springs, Colo.; E. M. Hiatt, J. H. Melville Lumber Co., Monte Vista, Colo.; W. G. McDonald, United Lumber & Mercantile Co., Glenwood Springs, Colo.; Z. O. Logan, Overland Lumber Co., Laramie, Wyo.; J. H. Mullis, Big Jo Lumber Co., Roswell, N. M.

Allan T. Flint, Denver, Colo., r,r'as re-elected secretary, and Jay T. Chapin, Chapin Lumber Co., Aurora, Colo., was re-elected treasurer.

Questionnaire Indicates 25 Per Cent of Bonus \(ill be Spent on Homes

According to figures based on a recent questionnaire sent by the American Legion to 42,00O veterans, 25 per cent of the bonus will be spent in payments on homes and real estate. It is estimated that $1,500,000,000 of the bonus will be cashed, and that this will be spent as follows:

From Trip To

E. A. Blocklinger, president of the Chiloquin Lumber Co., Chiloquin, Ore., and Mrs. Blocklinger have returned from a month's trip to Honolulu.

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