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Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Yard or cargo dock foreman; shipping or order clerk; tallyman; anything. Age 45 years, active, husky. 25 years' lumber experience on this Coast, in positions as above stated; also sawmills, wholesale handling and retail building material yards. Thorough understanding of loading and discharging lumber ships. Past 12 years in California. Best of lumber references. Address Box C-602. California Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yards For Sale
We can offer some yard sites with sheds, ofEces and racks, but without stock or equipment, on attractive terms. In addition we have some good buys in going lumber yards. Twohy Lumber Company, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Experienced lumberman wanted by old firm in Fresno, in the San Joaquin Valley. Duties will consist of checking estimates, collecting, etc. Must be accurate. State experience, references, age, when you can start work, and salary expected, in your first letter. Address Box C-601, California Lumber Merchant.
Stenographer Wanted
Young lady, 25 to 35 years. Wholesale lumber. Able and accurate with figures. Prefer lumber experience. $g5.OO per month. Address Box C-603, California Lumber Merchant.
Will sacrifice for quick sale. Complete yard and stock near Los Angeles. Will discount 40/s. Box C-604, California Lumber Merchant.
New Booklets on Nu-\(ood Interiors and Building Activity on Paciftc Coast for Balsam-Wool Sealed Insulation January Showr Gain Over Last Year
The Wood Conversion Company, St. Paul, Minn., has issued a new attractive booklet, "Nu-Wood Interiors for Every Wall and Ceiling." It features the uses of Nu-Wood interior finish units-tile, plank, wainscot and boards, as well as wall and ceiling treatment for all types of rooms.
The booklet is beautifully illustrated and shows the application of Nu-Wood in various types of homes, club rooms, ofifices, churches, schools, dining rooms and restaurants, tap rooms, theaters and studios. Nu-Wood has found its way into the finest types of buildings throughout the country. For displays it has a unique reputation and over 1m,000 feet of Nu-Wood were used in various exhibits at the San Diego Fair last summer.
"Balsam-Wool 'Sealed' House Insulation" is another interesting booklet just published by the Wood Conversion Company. It describes the qualities of Balsam-Wool insulation and shows photographs of homes and buildings in which this product has been used. It also illustrates by picture how Balsam-Wool should be applied.
Hopes For Good Year
"ff our much improved business in January, January, 1935, is any indication, we seem to be a good year," says Kenneth Shipp, president of Builders Supply Co., Oakland.
1936, over all set for California
C. C. McKay is now associated with George A. Duke of Los Angeles, Southern California distributor of the Diamond Springs Lime Co. Mr. McKay is well known in the plastering industry and will cover the Los Angeles territory.
Building activity on the Pacific Coast for the month of January, 1936, showed a decided gain over January, 1935. Los Angeles lead the Pacific Coast in building activity c!.uring the past month when 2400 permits were issued with a total value of $3,110,000. San Francisco was second with 454 permits issued with a valuation of $1,029,000. Long Beach ranked third with €1 permits valued at $.547,000. and was followed by San Diego with 369 permits valued at g432,000, Oakland with 397 permits valued at $390,000, Sacramento with 148 permits valued at $384,000, and Seattle with Z7Z permits valued at $320,000.
Lumberman Visits Hawaii
E. C. Howley, owner of the Howley Yards at Austin and Walters, Minn., accompanied by his wife, is on a two rveeks' trip to the Hawaiian Islands. On their return they r,vill travel to the Pacific Northwest going by the Redwood Highway, and visiting the big Hammond Redwood plant on the way. Mr. and Mrs. Howley came to San Francisco by boat through the Panama Canal.
The regular monthly meeting of the California Lumbermen's Council u'as held in the Commercial Club, San Francisco. January 17. President George Ley, Santa Cruz Lvmber Co., Santa Cruz, presided.
New Plywood Plant
A new plywood plant, the Lemcke Plywood Co., is nowoperating at Tacoma, Wash. W. K. Lemcke is the owner. The company will manufacture sanded and unsanded plywood.