1 minute read
Whv G.mble with your Net Profits ?
Business todoy presents enough notural hazards without increasing thc risk by out-dnd-out gambling with your net profits.
Certain of thesc hazards, such as market fluctuations, €tc., are beyond your immediat€ control. One major hazard, howcver, over which you crn exercise a lorge meitsurc of control is-Credit Losses.
Credit losses can, and often do, take the "net" out of "net profits" and turn black ink into red.
How Can Credit Losses Be Controlled ?
ft doesn't require a mysterious or complicated formula to control credit losses but simply sound judgment backcd up by sound credit facts. For sixty yedrs the Lumbermen's Credit Association has been furnishing sound credit focts to back up the judgment of those selling the lumber and woodworking trade.
M. D. Campbell
Frank Moore years on the road, becoming district sales manager at San Francisco a few years ago. About a year ago he went to Portland as manager of the rail and wholesale departments, where he handled all rail sales throughout the United States, and all purchases for cargo shipment from outside mills. In the course of this rvork he gained a wide acquaintanceship with rail and cargo mills in the Northwest.
Mark D. Campbell, vice president of Campbell-Moore Lumber Co., is rvell known in California, having been 18 years rvith the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. in various capacities, and for a number of years was manager of their rail department. It is a coincidence that Mark and Jimmy are again associated after working together for many years.
Frank Moore, secretary of Campbell-Moore Lumber Co., is located in Minneapolis, and makes frequent trips to the Pacific Coast.
Campbell-Moore Lumber Co. is associated with the Washington Wood Preserving Co. of Spokane, and the Pendleton-Gilkey Co. of Minneapolis. The latter firm is a large timber holder, and also operates three mills in British Columbia.
Returns To Work
Frank McNulty, McNulty Lumber & Supply Co., San Bruno, is back on the job after being ill for several weeks.
Our Red and Blue Book Service ot your fingertips will help you to- a Hold down your credit losses to an absolute minimum.
O Find desirable, new potential customers.
O Avoid solicitation of undesirable accounts.
O Keep your mailing list right up-to-datc. \(hy gamble with your net profits? Let the Lumbermen's Red and Blue Book Service play its part in guiding your daily credit and sdl€s dctivities,