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Bv Jack Dionne

Ag" not gurllnteGd---Some I havc told for 20 years---Some lesg He Knew His Musicians

Heifetz ranks among violinists about like Man of War did among race horses.

Measured by the same stick the popular radio artist Rubinoff, of course, rates in the valley far below. But we don't all know that, we who get our information and impressions from the big radio programs we listen to.

It is said that Heifetz was to play one night in the Hol-

Bob Cole And Family Europe Bound

R. A. (Bob) Cole, who recently disposed of his interest in the Los Angeles wholesale door firm of MacDougall & Cole, is at the present time enroute to Europe accompanied by Mrs. Cole and two sons, Don and Ted.

The Coles left Los Angeles by train February 5 and will embark oh the Italian liner SS Vulcania from New York on Fcbruary 18. After incidental stops at the Azores, Lisbon, Gibraltar, Algiers and Palermo they will disembark at Naples for a month's stay in Italy. Then their itinerary includes stops in Jugoslavia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, France and the British Isles. .IJpon returning to the United States in May or June they will drive home a new car from Detroit, visiting several of the National Parks enroute.

Snowed In

Charles B. Cross, of Stockton, salesman for Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, was snowed in at Rainbow Tavern, near Truckee, February 2, while on a business trip to Reno. He had to wait a couple of days before the road was opened.

lywood Bowl. The genius of the bow saw fit to walk into the bowl. The big cop at the gate stopped him and asked for his ticket. Mildly the great man replied:

"But I am Iileifetz."

Said the cop: "I don't give a damn if you're Rubinoff himself, you've got to have a ticket."

Return From Mexico Trip

Mr. and Mrs. John Schafer returned to Montesano, Wash., from an automobile trip to Mexico City and other Mexican and American points. They were accompanied on the trip by Mr. Schafer's sister, Mrs. Hobi, and Mr. Hobi. Mr. Schafer is superintendent of logging operations for Schafer Bros. Lumber & Shingle Co., Montesano.

Michigan Lumberman Visits California

Edward Molesworth, vice-president of the Teachout Sash, Door, and Glass Company, of Detroit, Michigan, has returned home after spending ten days very pleasantly vacationing in Los Angeles and vicinity. He drove out with Mr. David.Teachout who had been in Ohio and Michigan for several weeks on business.

Takes Vacation In Arizona

Charles Garrison, of the Two Rock Commercial Co., Two Rock, well known California retail lumberman, is spending several weeks in Arizona. He is accompanied by Mrs. Garrison.

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