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The R. J. M. Co. Announces Remoyal to Ne* Quarters

Company Shows Rapid Growth Since Organization

Announcement was made this week by William L. Rawn, president of The R. J. NI. Company of the completion of their new office and warehouse located at 238-248 South Mission Road, Los Angeles, California, and the removal of their business to the new location.

The new structure is of single story reinforced concrete construction with Summerbell Truss Roof and raised concrete floor. The building is 300 feet by 125 leet and fronts on three streets; namely South Mission Road, East Third Street, and Anderson Street. Large double truck loading pits have been provided which will enable a number of trucks to load or unload at the same time. The building opened its doors for business April 1st of that year. The company has made rapid strides in serving lumber dealers and building material dealers with a large list of standard building commodities. They formerly had quarters on East Eighth Street near the corner of Santa Fe Avenue, but in a short time outgrew their original qirarters. In the new structure all of the company's stock merchandise can be concentrated in one spot and under one roof.

Specializes in Jobbing Business to Dealers

The R. J. M. Company specializes in strictly a jobbing business to dealers. Its present lines consist of nails, steel is located on Union Pacific private spur with a number of car nnloading doors direct into the warehouse thus enabling the efficient and economical receipt and shipment of merchandise at the lowest possible cost.

"While formerly located on East Eighth Street we had ample opportunity to carefully study traffic conditions as well as the rapid delivery of merchandise to and from our warehouse, therefore, in the design of our new structure every consideration lvas given to the economical storage of merchandise and the quick dispatch of all orders," Mr. Rawn stated.

"Those of our customers who have already picked up merchandise at our new warehouse have commented on the ease and rapidity with which they have been served. This commendation from our friends justifies in ottr minds the many hours of planning that went into this new structure."

The R. J. M. Company was organized early in 1935 and rvire products, corrugated iron, builders' hardware, roll roofing, composition shingles, wall boards, insulation boards, steel fencing, wire netting and many other items which are handled by thc lumber dealers in increasing quantities. Among other items the company distributes a full line of builders' hardware manufactured by the National Manufacturing Company, Sterling, Illinois, and have just recently been appointed by the Wood Conversion Company of St. Paul, Minnesota, as distributor for Nu-Wood Insulation Board, Tile and Plank, and Balsam Wool Blanket Insulation. The compan)"s offices are completely decorated lvith Nu Wood Variegated Colored Tile and Plank in a most attractive manner and it is the desire of the staff that all their friends may have the opportunity of visiting them in their new quarters.

It is expected that the cornpany will hold an "open house" for their many friends in the near future after they have had an opportunity of becoming completely settled.

Knotty Pine Used at Grand Canyon Resort

In a setting so beautiful and awe-inspiring that it ranks as one of the world's wonders and has attracted travelers from far and near, there stands an interesting group of tourist buildings-the Bright Angel Lodge and Cabins on the south rim of the Grand Canyon of Arizona.

This picturesque little village came into being under the guidance of Miss M. E. J. Colter, architect and designer for Fred Harvey, as a project of the Santa Fe Railroad and the Fred Harvey System to provide additional accommodations for visitors to Grand Canyon and to supplant the facilities of the famous El Tovar Hotel, built in 19O2.

Perched on the very rim of the Canyon, these rambling, one-story structures of logs, lumber, stone and adobe seem to nestle into their natu.ral surroundings and appear as an integral part of it. The main lodge is of log cabin construction with exposed beams, huge stone fireplaces and "picture windows." From the windows and the grounds the visitor is afforded a matchless view of the shepr rock walls and colorful ruggedness of Grand Canyon to the north rim some thirteen miles away. Around the main lodge are guest lodges and bungalow cabins. Their interiors reflect the informality and charm of the Southwest. It is here that Ponderosa Pine has been used so effectively. Knotty pine boards line the halls and many of the rooms. Their beauty, ' accentuated by pleasing finishing treatments, executed in the architectural style of the Southwest, goes far in making these structures truly distinctive.

The knotty pine in the halls is of honey color; in the rooms the woodwork is of a grayish weathered tone. One feature which stands out quite prominently is the color of the doors to the rooms.

Another interesting detail is the knotty pine furniture with which some of the rooms are furnished. The colorful homespun draperies, ornamental light fixtures and the pine-paneled walls give the rooms a rustic simplicity with modern convenience. The friendliness of the quarters adds much to a traveler's enjoyment of his stop-over at the Grand Canyon.

On Sick List

C. B. McElroy, comptroller for the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., is confi4ed to the California Hospital, Los Angeles, following an operation for appendicitis on Tuesday, February 8. He is reported to be making good progress.


A complete stock of air-seasoned or kilndried shingles ready for imrrrediate delivery.

TY. P. MoINIYBD & SON Fortuna, Calitornta

Hardwoods Panels Veneers

We invite lumber dealers to take cdvcrntcAe ol our well crssorted stocks ol

The Light Touch

A man learning to fly invariably holds the "stick" too tightly. He may even "freeze" onto the controls and cause a crash. He is tense, nervous, fearful. The instructor's task is to teach the student the "light touch"-the light, relaxed, confident touch that marks the master airman.

Many business crashes have been caused by men who tried too hard-who "froze" onto the "sticks" of their business planes. A man who is personally acquainted with many of America's most successful executives says that practically all of them are "easy going" fellows. They do not fret and worry and fear. They have applied the "light touch" to their jobs. They do their tasks with quiet faith.

It is when we try too hard to hit a golf ball that we top it. It is when we try too hard to make a strike that we have our worst hits in bowling. When we forget ourselves, take our time and relax, we get the best results.

The worried, hurried anxious man makes the most mistakes. He has less to show for his efforts in sport or business. Mastering the art of the "light touch" is one of the big secrets of achievement and happiness.-The Silver Lining.

Babies haven't any hair; Old men's heads are just as bareBetween the cradle and the grave Lies a haircut and a shave.

-Samuel Hoffenstein.

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

-Edgar Allen Poe.


"Rastus, how come you pack dat air razah to dis heah dance ?"

"Niggah, doan't you read yo-se'f, as how dis heah dance am to be a cut-in dance?"

A Distinction

"Am I good enough for you?" sighed the swain. "No," said the girl candidlY, "you're not; but you're too good for any other girl."

The Hymn Of Hate

By Joseph Dana Miller

And this f hate-not men, nor fag, nor race, But only war with its wild, grinnnig face. God strike it till its eyes be blind as night, And all its members tremble with affright ! Oh, let it hear in its death agony

The wail of mothers for their best-loved ones, And on its head

Descend the venomed curses of its sons

Who followed her, delude4 where its guns Had dyed the daisies red.

All these f hate-war and its panoply, The lie that hides its ghastly mockery, That makes its glories out of women's tears, The toil of peasants through the burdened years, The legacy of long disease that preys On bone and body in the after-days.

God's curses pour, Until it shrivel with its votaries

And die away in its own fiery seas, That nevermore fts dreadful call of murder may be heard; A thing accursed in every deed and word From blood-drenched shore to shore !

Unjustly Accused

In moonshine districts, where the whiskey looks like water and is drunk like water, strange ideals prevail as to what intoxication really is. fn a village one Sunday afterno,on a man lay in the broiling sun, in the middle of the road, with an empty bottle by his side.

"He's drunk; lock him up," the sheriff said. But a woman interposed hastily.

"No, he ain't drunk," she said, "f jest seen his fingers move.tt

The place where optimism most flourishes is in the lunatic asylum.-Havelock Ellis.

You can never convince a woman she's growing fat until she gets stuck in the bath tub. Shadow owes its birth to light.-Gay.

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