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J) PTANNTNG Now FoR SrcfAe Sneentnc
Expect a big demand for Bruce Streamline Flooring, just as aoon as building begins again. You won't be dieappoinred!
For Mr. Homeowner of Tomorrow hae beard about this modern flooring seneation from his friends. IIe's geen its rich, distinctive beauty in their homes and he's going to be dernanding it for hie own home eoon. Ife's really sold!
His wife has heard plenty, too. Newa geta around fast on anything that helps make houeework eaeier and Bruce Streamline Flooring certainly does! Housewives everywhere praise tbe eaee with wbich these floore can be kept epic-n-span... and the way they retain their natural good looke through the years.
Sound selentllle reasons I
Bruce Streamline Floore are carefully and precisely finished in modern piante by ekilled craftemin. Tbis beautiful and wear-resistant finieh actually penetratee into the wood, eealing pores against dirt and wear. aaeuring ease of cleaning in the home.
Bead.g to wallc on Bruce Streamline Floore cost no more than ordinary floore-sometimes less. Yet they come expertly finiehed ready for home use tbe minute they're laid. No coetly building delays! No uncertain on-the-job sanding and finiebing! Practical and proven! fnvestigate the many important advantages of Bruce Streamline Floors now. V'e'll be glad to hear from you.
@24!4jwr*#\\\rffi\:i:L1rffi 4liffi .nr:::d Scratch test proyes Bruct Finish Better, Half of this panel of typical hardwood fl@r- ing has the sarne protection as BruceStreamline Floors the other half is tinished the ordinary way. Scrape a coin across the panel. It'll sratch the ordinary finish... but slides sm@thly over the Bruce Streamline Finish without leaving a hark. All Bruce Streamlioe Fl@ring is finished tlus.