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c News o[ Out Friends in The Services 'D

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Pnrtonol -,l+/r*t

Pnrtonol -,l+/r*t

Major Russell Johnson, Army Air Force, Los Angeles, son of Otis R. Johnson, president of the Union Lumber Company, San Francisco, attended the award ceremony at Fort Bragg, Calif., in connection with the presentation to the company of the Army-Navy "E".

Lieutenant Don F. White, USN, and White, USN, sons of C. H. White, general manager of White Brothers, both on active duty with their ships in Both have seen considerable action.

Lieutenant Charles vice president and San Francisco, are the Philippine area.

Edward E. Hawkins, (right), son of Avon.L. Hawkins, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles, Aviation Radioman for four years at North Island and Ream Field, has been transferred to a Naval Academic Refresher Unit (V-5) at Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, La., as a preliminary to Naval Aviation Cadet Training.

Mr. Hawkins' son, J. Stanley, (leit), who was a Navy Aviation Machinist's Mate, 3/c, was lost two years ago in a night plane crash at sea off Florida.

Major Marion C. Click, who served in the AAF Training Command until November 25, 1944, transferred to the Air Technical Service Command, and has been assigned to the \Mestern District in Los Angeles. Before entering the service, he was vi,ce president of Geddes & Aldom, Inc., wholesale lumber firm, Denver, Colo. Major Click would like to hear from any old friends in the lumber business.

Caspar Russell Hexberg, son of Caspar Hexberg, Union Lumber Co., San Francisco, graduated at Camp Barkley, Texas, January 18, as Znd Lieutenant in the Medical Administrative Corps. Ife was home recently leave.

Pvt. Forest Roth, Paratrooper, E,ubank & Son, Inglewood, was in on special duty for several days. He at Fort Lewis, Wash.

M/Sgt. Clifford Larson, who was with U. S. Plywood Corp., Los Angeles, before he entered the service, has been awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service. He has charge of repairs for 16 Liberators of the 15th U. S. Bomber Force operating in Italy.

T/Sgt. Richard B. Cox, son of Ray B. Cox of Peerless Built-In-Fixture Co., Berkeley, and his father's forrner assistant, is in Southern France in the Radio Division of the Signal Corps. He has been 2l years in the service.

John R. Angeles, is Osgood, U. S. Army, son of R. S. Osgood, Los now overseas.

For some time past Deats Sash & Door Co. has been getting out a house organ called "Shop News," compiled and edited by Deats employees foq the boys in the service. The publication performs a double function as it keeps the men in the service on the various fronts informed about on a 10-daY themselves, and gives the men in the shop all the news about their former associates. formerly with L. H. Los Angeles recently is at present stationed

Donald Jackson, former editor of "Shop News," was inducted into the Army a few months ago. lfe was succeeded by Ed Jenks, who says he believes the paper has the widest ,circulation of any paper of its size, as it is mailed to ooints all over the world.

Changes in Personnel

Jake Werle severed his connections with the C. D. Johnson Lumber Corporation of Portland, Ore., on February 1, to accept an executive position with Simpson Industries, Inc.. at Seattle. Wash.

The corporation has secured the services of S. B. Ferrell who took over the sales clepartment on February 1. Mr. Ferrell has been sales manager of Clark & Wilson Lumber Company, Linr.rton, Ore., {or the past three or four years, and prior to that rvas assistant sales manager of the White River Lumber Company, Enumclaw, Wash.

The policy of the corporation lvill continue as beiorenamely, all-out production for the war effort, serving its customers and friends whenever it can do so without interfering with war clemands. When the war is over the corporation u'ill have no reconversion problems and r,vith its large timber resources and complete manufacturing facilities immediately can take care of its trade requirements for well-mauufactured lumber from virgin old gror,vth timber for many years to come.

Promoted to Ccrptcin

Lieutenant Elizabeth M. Harrington, Women's Auxiliary Corps, daughter of Glenn M. Harrington, MacDonald & Harrington, Ltd., San Francisco, was recently promoted to the rank of Captain. She is stationed in London, England, and is attached to the Air Transport Command.

Appointed Mcrncger

Rex P. Kratz has been appointed manager of the Brush Industrial Lumber Company, Los Angeles. He has been with the company for eight years as yard manager, also ofifice and credit manager. He will handle all of the softwood business.

Jack Brush will devote his full time and efforts to the development of the company's hardwood business.

H. G. Larrick Bqck At Solcncr Becrch

H. G. Larrick of Barr Lumber Co., who has been purchasing agent at Santa Ana for the past year, has returned to the Solana Beach yard as manager.

R. R. Caldwell, manager of the Orange yard, is acting as purchasing agent at Santa Ana.




2i4 Front Street, Scrn Frcrncisco ll Pbone GArfield 0292 lRepresenting DANT & RUSSELL, Inc.

Modesto Otrce

W. H. WINFNEE 120 Myr0e Ave., Modeeto 387{


$UPP[T, ilC.

Wholescle Distributors oI Lumber crnd its Products in Ccrload Qucrntities a

Warehouse Distribution oI Wholescle Building Supplies lor the Decrler Trade

Telephone t

,602 3znd st

TEmplebcrr 6964-5-6 Oall€md, Cdlir.

L. t. GARR & CO,

difqnio fttgar qrd Porderoia Pine


Mills At Woodleaf, Calif.

IICB.f,r|ElfTO tOS ANGETES lJ[I. !. Pnnnirg folrtypo 3el! {38 Chcrmber oI Conaerco Eldg.

P. O. lor ll83

Cml H. Kunl

Rail Shippers

Ouality Fir Yard Stock

Norlhen Ccliloniq Repretentcdvo

O. L BUSSI'M llt ltlarlei St., Saa Frcacisco, Telepholc YIILon ll80 southcnco-ttto-ion.preecntatlvo

Bobert S. Osgood

?Ol Sourl Sprilg Stro.t, Lor Aagela, Telephono VArditc 8Gl3 Aritool-i"pr.""-ototit.


P. O. Bu 1865, Phoedr Tclcphoao 3ll2l

Wholesale to Lumber Yards

Sash - Windows

Gasements - Doors, etc.

Our usucl lree delivery to Lumber Ycrrds crnywhere in Southern Ccrlilornicr lfAtEY BR0S.SATIA tflOillGl

Los Angeles Phone: AShley 4-2268 Scnta Monica Phones: 4-32984-3299

Peter F. Noonan

Peter F. Noonan, San Francisco lumberman, passed away in San Francisco on February 1.

He was a native of San Francisco, and for some years operated his own wholesale lumber business there. He was for several years manager of the Woodland Lumber Co., Woodland, Calif. After this he was with the West Coast Lumber Co., San Francisco, and re.cently was associated rvith Rolando Lumber Co., San Francisco.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Florence M. Noonan, a son, Peter C., and a brother, Phil Noonan, San Francisco.

Funeral services were held February 2 under the auspices of Pacific Parlor No. 10, Native Sons of the Golden West, of which.he u'as a member.

Sitkc Spruce Lumber

Loading by mills of mixed grades of shop, box, common and select merchantable Sitka spruce lumber without grade identification marks when shipment is made to millwork and box manufacturers is authorizedby OPA, provided inspection certificates issued by approved inspectioll agencies are available to the buyers. (Amendment 2 to Revised MPR 290, efrective Feb. 1).


Jobbers, distributors, retailers and all other sellers of

Iohn H. Mqthews

John Hewitt Mathews, well known retail lumberman, passed away in Oakland, January 28.

He was formerly manager of the lumber yards of the Pacific Coast Coal Co., San Luis Obispo, and later of the Woodland Lumber Co., Woodland, Calif. He was also manager of the Oakland yard of E. D. Swift Co. for some years. He had recently been engaged in war work.

He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Winifred l\fathews; a son, Lieut. John H. Mathews, Jr., Army Air Corps; a daughter, Mrs. Marcia Henning; two sisters and a brother. He was a native of Kentucky.

hardwood plywood, except ri-ranufacturers, are authorized to sell at March, 1942, prices any of the hardwood plywood they had on hand before Dec. 6, 1944, which is not specifically priced by the OPA. (Amendment 1 to X{PR568, effective Feb. 6.)

Red Cedcrr Lumber

Producers of western red cedar lumber may apply to OPA for an adjustment of their selling prices if existing ceiling prices are causing them substantial hardship and impeding western red cedar production, OPA advises. (Amendment 2 to MPR 4O2, effective Feb. 10.)


Wanted to bry, carload small Ponderosa Pine Mouldings 8000 Series April 1st delivery.


Dubuque, Iowa

Wants Position As Manager

Manager wants real Honest opportunity in retail lumber field. Good sales and merchandising background. Age 40.

Address Box C-1075, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

Accountant Wanted

Wanted: Accountant experienced in lumber business-San Francisco area. Good salary. References.

Address Box C-1076, California Lumber Merchant, 508 Central Bldg., Los Angeles 14, Calif.

For Sale

Sawmill located in Southern Oregon city.

Capacity 30,000 feet daily, fir and pine. Complete with timber and all equipment, or will sell one-half interest. $20,000 will handle.

Write P. O. Box 681 Grants Pass, Oregon


We contract unloading of lumber from railroad cars, sorting and high-piling. Anywhere in California. Reasonable rates and good references.


P. O. Box 155 Wilmington, California Phone-Wilmington 2232

For Sale

RIP SAW-self feed, 10 H.P., ball bearing motor.


4160 Whiteside Street

Los Angeles, California

Telephone ANgelus t-6907

For Sale

Lumber yard near Los Angeles Flarbo.r. Ground, buildings, '41 Ford truck, and new light machinery. Total $15,000.00. Spur track. No stock.

If you want to sell your yard let us know. We have several buyers who are interested in Southern California yards.

Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers

801 Petroleum Bldg., Los Angeles 15, Calif. Phone PRospect 8746

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