3 minute read

These Douglas Fir Doors ore Designed to Sell Faster - - - Because They /vleet Modern Demands!

Are you looking for ways to build postwar volume and profit? Then plan to stock and sell durable, attractive Douglas Fir lnterior Doors. On special order, you can offer your customers the outstanding FACTRI-FlT advantages shown at the right -and you can offer these doors right now for essential jobs. When war restrictions are lifted, of course, more and more specifiers will demand these truly modern doors because they save time, sawing, and fitting on the job-savings which more than offset the slight additional cost of FACTRI-FlT features.

Write for a new catalog showing the complete line of Douglas Fir Interior Doors, Tru-fit Entrance Doors and new specialty items. And put them all in your postwar planning - for bigger volume and profit.

FACTRI-FIT doors are pre-fit at the mill, trimmed to exact size, ready to hang without sawing or fitting.

FACTRI-FIT doors may be ordered completely machined at your option-gained, bored or mortised by high-speed precision tools.

FACTRI-FlT doors (like all Douglas Fir Doors) are edge grade-marked for ease in ordering, specifying and supplying.

FACTRI-FIT doors ere scuff. stripped to protect the preci. sion-cut corners during handling.and shipping.

I\OTICE: Dougle: Fir Inlcrior Doors ate manctactured threc ways: l-STANDARD-Purposcly nade overrirc for titlitrS to inerrcl ogcning:.

2-PRE-F|T-Trinncd to rirc. reedy to heag.

3-FACTRI-FlTPrefit, geined, end borcd or no.tiied.

Olficers Visit Redwood Ivlills

After attending the "E" Award presentation ceremony of the lJnion Lumber Co. at Fort Bragg on February 4 a party of U. S. Engineers officers continued north February 5 on a visit to Humboldt County Redwood mills and a logging operation.

The party consisted of the following: Lt. Com. II. N. Anderson, officer in charge of the Navy Lumber Coordinating Unit, Portland; Major Raleigh Chinn, U. S. Engineers, chief of the CPA Portland branch; Capt. Glenn A. Burke, head of the production section, CPA, Portland; Capt. Carvel Brown, U. S. Engineers, chief of the San Francisco branch of the CPA; Lt. Col. Harold E. George, U. S. Engineers, executive officer, San Francisco E,ngineers District; R. E. Caldwell, Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, and A. J. Nolan, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco.

Following the tour a dinner was held in Eureka, February 6, which was attended by ths majority of the Redwood mill operators of Humboldt County.

Tcrter, Webster & Johnson, Inc. Buys Fecrther River Mill

Tarter, Webster & Johnson, Inc., San Francisco, recently purchased the mill of the Feather River Lumber Co. at Delleker, Calif., and will continue to operate the plant as before, except for the change of name.


Mrs. Hugh Peters Treat and William Thornton White, Sr. were married at St. Peter's Episcopal Church,' San Francisco, on January 31.

Mr. White's son, William Thornton White, Jr., of San Marino, Calif., was best man, and Mrs. White's daughter, Mrs. John Nowell, Jr., was matron of honor.

Mr. White is president of White Brothers, wholesale hardwood dealers. San Fran,cisco.

Eubcrnk Adds Equipment

L. H. Eubank & Son, wholesale millwork manufacturers, Inglewood, Calif., recently installed a No. 120 Greenlee 30-inch double surfacer.

This concern, still engaged 100 per cent in war w,ork, has one of the most completely equipped millwork plants in the country.

Attends Washinerton Conlerence

Robt. C. Parker, chairman of the Pacific Lumber Carriers' Association, San Francisco, is in Washingtbn, D. C., attending an informal conference called by W. V. Hardie, Director of Traffic, Interstate Commerce Commission, for rail, motor and water carriers, February 15 to 17. The conference will review present freight rate structures of all carriers and prepare for postwar traffic, particularly domestic shipping.

The members of the Association are vitally concerned as to their ability to operate vessels after the war, due to the high costs of vessels, supplies and labor, also the volume of lumber footage that will be available for California.

Appointed Yard Mcncger

Wesley E. Corwin, branch yard expeditor for the Hammond Lumber Company at Los Angeles, took over the management of the Hammond yard at Brawley on February 15. Mr. Corwin is one of the young veterans in the lumber business in the Los Angeles area, and is well and favorably known to the trade.


Howard Curran, Frank Curran Lumber Co., and Mrs. Curran, Santa Ana, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Bernadine, to Tech. Sgt. Dean Whitmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore of Santa Ana. Sgt. Whitmore is stationed at Camp Gruber. Okla.

With Sierrq Wood Products

Stuart C. Smith, well known lumberman, who recently resigned his position with the Office of Price Administration, where he was in charge of the Western softwoods section and millwork section, is now associated with Sierra Wood Products, Inc., Pasadena, as lumber buyer.

Visit Mexico City

Roy Barto, hardwood importer, and Precision Kiln Drying Co., Los Angeles, 30 from a business trip to Mexico City. journey both ways by plane.

Modesto Yard Reopens

J. W. Mcleod, returned January Thev made the

Valley Constructors, Modesto, recently reopened their yard, which was closed for a short period after Jack Ulrich went in the service. Mrs. Ulrich is in charge.

Aircraft Lrumber'

Our plcnt lccilities are devoted to crll-out production lor the wqr effort, Iurnishing the crirplane and glider industries with this vitcl wqr mctericrl.

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