5 minute read
UuoN IUMBER CoMPANY for Outstandirg Achievement in \[ar Production of Redwood
EO* THREE LONG YEARS'and more Noyo Redwood has been at war serving the I. needs of the Common Cause in the various ways for which it is particularly qualified. * Today the Army-Navy "E" Pennant, signifying Excellence in \Var Production, flies above our Fort Bragg plant. each Noyo 'W'ar'Worker wears the "E" lapel pin earned by devotion to duty. In accepting this Awardfirst in the Redwood IndustryUnion Lumber Company recognizes the challenge it implies to carry on to even greater effort to speed Victory and Peace. -
Tour efort, as sboun by loar rernarkable prodaction record, bas belped our coilntr! along tbe road to oictory. May I extend to you men and uomen of the Fort Bragg Plant of tbe Union Lamber Conpany nzl congra hilat i on sfo r a c c omp Ii s bing more tban once seemed reasonable or possible.
JAMES FORRESTAL Secretary of tbe Nauy
Amendment 1 to Order L-335
Section 3A5.nI Order L-335 is hereby amended in the following respect:
Amend paragraph (t) to read as follows:
(t) Uncertified orders. A sawmill cannot deliver lumber to either a consumer or distributor or withdraw lumber for his own use from his sawmill stock on uncertifi.ed orders unless permitted by a direction or by a letter from the War Production Board. Requests for authority for a sawmill to deliver lumber on uncertified orders shall be made by mailing a letter to the field office of the War Production Board for the district in which the sawmill is located except that sawmills located in the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, and South Dakota must mail their requests to the Western Administrator, Order L-335, \Mar Production Board, 1405 S. W. Alder, Portland 5, Oregon. The letter requesting authority to deliver any part of a sawmill's production on uncertified orders must refer to Order L-335 paragraph (t) and explain fully (1) the average monthly production of the sawmill in board feet and the percentage or amount of lumber in the species, grades, and sizes that the sawmill wishes to deliver on uncertified orders ; (2) what effort has been made to get certified orders for this lumber; (3) the effect on,the sawmill if the request is denied; and (4) any other information which would justify the request. If the lumber is of a type controlled by either Direction 2a or Direction 6 (which require 2 certificates on orders) then the sawmill must also state whether it is requesting permission to deliver without getting one or both of the certificates and if only one specify which. Authority for a sawmill to deliver lumber on an uncertified order will only be given in cases (1) where a distributor will take the lumber on an uncertified order and hold it for redelivery on certified orders; or (2) where the sawmill can make a positive showing that, even with the help of the War Production Board, it cannot get certified orders as required by Order L-335, Direction 2a, ot Direction 6 to Order L-335. Sawmills that make a positive showing that they cannot get certified orders as required by an applicable direction but fail to show that they are unable to get orders bearing one of the certificates described in paragraph (q) of Order L-335 may be released only from the restrictions of the applicable direction.
Appoint ed General Sales Manager
Announcement has been made-by W. H. Lowe, president of The Paraffine Companies, Inc., of the appointment of James E. Holbrook as general sales manager, succeeding Richard Hilliard, resigned. Mr. Holbrook joined the organization twenty-four years ago as advertising manager, later he was appointed district manager with headquarters at Los Angeles, and was transferred back to San Francisco in L939 with assignment as assistant general sales manager. He is president of the San Francisco Sales Manager's Association, and a past president of the same organization at Los Angeles.
Trecrted in trcnsit ct our completely equipped plcrnt ct Alcrmedq, CcrliL
Trecrted cnd stocked crt our Long Becrch, Ccrlif., rt was a meetins "ttf;f;.fr%f$T, "oror"d, and excitement reached to a high pitch as the preacher exhorted. Some of them sang, some jumped about and gesticulated with every sign of frenzy, and somC reached the limit of their nervous abilities and passed out cold on the floor of the tabernacle. One sister gave a tremendous exhibition of "getting religion," and finally she leaped high in the air, uttered a last wtld screech, and then sank down on the floor in an apparently lifeless {reap. A man standing close by reached out his hand automatically to help her, when strong and authoritatively rang out the bass voice of the preacher:
Your storing ond hqndling costs, foo, con be pored to the bone with q yord completely ROSS equipped.
"Don't touch huh, brothah ! Don't pick huh up ! Jus' leave huh lay whah Jesus flung huh !"
Expert-An ordinary guI, a long way from home.
Psychologist-A scholar who expresses something everybody knows in terms no one can understand.
Highbrow-A person educated beyond his intelligence.
Bore-A man who insists on talking about himself when you want to be talking about yourself.
Specialist-One who knows more and more about less and less.
Quick Like
The traveler stopped his horse and addressed himself to the rough-looking customer who sat on the small of his back in front of a cabin alongside the trail. He said:
"Does Hardtack Pete live near here?"
The lounger in the doorway said: "No."
The traveler tried again:
"Then can you tell me where I can find Roughhouse Joe?"
"I'm Roughhouse Joe."
"Well, they told me Hardtack Pete lived within gunshot of you."
And Joe only answered: "HE DID !"
Style Note
Msy had a nifty dress, 'Twas short and sweet and airy, It didn't show the dirt at all, But gee, how it showed Mary.
Dream Boat
I arn drifting in my dream boat down the stream of long ago, Underneath the silver willow's peaceful shade, And my heart with expectation and amazement is aglow, As' I move toward Killnemara-and a maid.
Oh, her smile is like the sunshine on the ripples of the bay, .And' her eyes are pools of starlight in the night, And there's something in the sight of her that steals my heart away, And that fills my weary bosom with delight.
She'll be waiting near the shallows where the water lilies grow. With the fragrance of the springtime in her hair, And her simple smock of linen will be whiter than the snow.
And her song will sweeten all the evening air.
I am drifting in my dreamboat, but the night is almost gone, And the stars are disappearing in the blue,
And my heart must soon awaken to the starkness of the dawn,
And the phantom dreams that never quite come true.
_T. E. B.
And [Iow
Late to bed, Early to rise, Makes a man sagBy, draggy, and baggy, Under the eyes.
Scid Henry Clcy:
In all the affairs of human life, social as well as political, courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones that strike deepest to the grateful and appreciative heart.