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Wholerale 5;rtr;butorr
Wefi Coaft Wol.t
Ponderosc Pine - Sugcn Pine
Douglcrs Fir - Redwood
Distribution Yard crnd Generql Office tOS ANGEI.ES I
655 Ecst Florence Ave.
THornwcrll 3144
Service Pins Awarded Moore Dry Kiln Company Employees
Pins denoting from N to 5 years service with the Moore Dry Kiln Company, North Portland, Oregon, were presented 28 employees recently at a banquet in the Marine Room of the Multnomah Hotel. Seven of these pins were awarded employees now in the Armed Services.
Forrest Cobb, vice president and manager of the company, made the presentations at a banquet attended by 57 employees including their wives and husbands. Those receiving 20 year pins were: Forrest Cobb, Joe Steel, Gordon Duncan, George Lowery. 10 year pins were given to Fred Ticonik, John Barrett, Walter Nansen, Willard Kelley, Lloyd Evans, Leonard Olson and Carl Merlevede; and 5 year pins were awarded to Sylvan Nelson, Jack Hunter, Allen Strack, Harold Shular, Ellard Lemmon, John Lichte, Kenneth Turrell, Harry Stromquist, Frank Ruge, Dustin Doran, Allan Lomer, and Harry Biggs.
Forrest Cobb traced the history of the Moore Dry Kiln Company sin'ce it was founded in 1857 and described the development of Moore Kilns since the first natural draft kiln was installed in the South until the present Moore Cross-Circulation Drying System, Moore Controllers and Moore veneer dryer were developed.
Special mention was made of the 30 employees no..,rr in the Armed Services and honor was paid to Donald Stewart who was killed in action on Biak Island.
Kenneth Smith Tclks To Botcry Clubs
Kenneth Smith, president of the California Redwood Association, San Francisco, returned February 6 from spending a week among the mills in the Redwood Empire. He gave an interesting talk entitled '!In Today Walks Tomorrow" at the Arcata Rotary Club, January 31, and also at the Fortuna Rotary Club, February l.
Mr. Smith'attended the ceremony at Fort Bragg at which the Army-Navy "8" was presented to the Union Lumber Company.
Ncval Ship's Recreation Fund Gets Lcrge Donctions
The recreation fund of the Admiral Eberle received a big boost recently when one of the collectors received $100.00 from each of three firms he called on for donations.
The collector was Seaman First Class Hank Swafford, and the firms were White Brothers, San Francisco; J. E. Higgins Lumber Co., San Francisco, and E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.
The generous gifts were made in memory of Hank's father, the late Henry Swafford, vice president of E. J. Stanton & Son.
Fire Destroys Mill
Fire destroyed the lumber mill of Lounsberry at its branch yard,3132 San Fernando Road, Los the night of January 26. Business is going on and the mill will be rebuilt as soon as possible.
& Harris Angeles, as usual,