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RAILR0AD Ties That Stemmed a Flood
Some lew yecrs bcrck c lrcrntic cqll ccrme through from the people of the Impericl Irrigcrtion District . ' "The mcin ccrncrl lrom the Colorcrdo Biver hcs burst through its bcrnks! The qngry wqters qre threcrtening to llood vcst qrecs oI the Impericl Vclley!" With this clcrming news cqme one oI the strcngest orders ever plcrced with the Pope d Talboi Lumber Mills , . (m appecl lor rcilroad ties to build <r spur in the brecrk.
With chcracteristic speed crnd elficiency, c<rr upon ccr wtrs locrded while the switch engine remcrined cttcrched cnd recrdy io roll. Mqin line qnd brcsrch line trcins were held up crnd ecrly next morning the ties were on the iob, strong bulwqrks cAcinst the llood.
Todcry Pope d Tclbot, Inc. is helping to meet the grecrtest emergency oI cll. With Victory, our ellorts will cgcin be directed to serving you crs conscieniiously cnd elficiently cs in the pcst.