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Wn'vE IxvEsrED 76 YEARSIx YOUR FuruRE,
Experience is one oI the grecrtest sssets cny firm cqn possess. It is the one thing thct mcrnilests itseU in every operction oI a comptrny, lcrrge or smqll. It exerts its inlluence in mqny ways, such cs in improved methods, lower costs, less wqste cnd finer products. Through the experience we hcrve gcrined since the lounding oI our comp(my back in 1869, we hqve been cble to ellect mcnry refinements in logging cnd scw mill practices cs well cs in ihe conservqtion qnd utilizction oI lormer wqsie. This hts encrbled us to consistently deliver liner-more unilorm grudes oI Bedwood throughout eqch succeeding yecr-crnd this experience hcs cccumulcted to the benefit of our deqlers who hcrve lecrned thcrt Certilied Qucrlity Redwood meqns "Pccilic Lumber." In the Iuture crs in the pcst, this will continue to be their stcndcrd ol compcrison.
In lhe ce4ter of the log picture crbove is a reproduciion of the grecrt secl oI the CourpcrnyFounded Februcry 21, t869.
T\RAFTED early in the war for critical military conI-f struction, Johns-Manville Asbestos Flexboard is back on the iob, ready to go to work for you and your customers. fts many features will suggest a wide variety of oppornrnities. iobs which no other product could do as well. And its excellent handling'qualities and workability make it a pleasure to use.
Formed of asbestos and cement, Flexboard is pressed and then re-pressed toder terrific pressure. The result is a strong, tough, durable yet flexible sheet... ooe that takes nails easily without drilling holes . . ore that works easily with ordinary tools.
Flexboard can be used indoors or outdoots. lt nart needs to be painted and it is unaffected by freeze and thaw. It will not rot or rust, and it is fireproof. Because of its smooth hard surface it is easy to keep clean and sanitary.
Pictured below are jusi a lew ol the iypes of building jobs on which you can use Flexboard to advantage. Dozens of others will occur to you when you see the material itself. \[hy not write us for full particulars and prices. Address, |ohns-Manville, 22 East 4oth Streeg New York 16, N. Y.