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Charity, says the dd ";gJ uJgir,, at home. And so, by that same token, does Liberty. Those of us who are firmly resolved that Liberty "shall not perish from the earth," but are thinking in global terms, worrld do well to predicate that world-wide decision on an intelligent and sleepless effort to see that Liberty is thoroughly protected and preserved here at home. ** t<*t<
Historv teaches the severe lesson that the cause that survives a conflict is not always the most just, but very often is the one most ably'defended and stoutly maintained. "Put your trust in God," said Cromwell, "but keep your powder dry." That's preparedness. And Confucius warned that martyrdom did not prove the truth of your beliefs at allsimply proved the courage of the martyr.
Jean Jacques Rousseau warned all mankind that Liberty is well worth fighting for, but that ornce secured and then lost, is gone forever. When Franklin was asked what kind of a Government had been created at Philadelphia, he replied, "A Republicjf we can keep it." And the late Joe Bailey eloquently proclaimed: "If this nation ever dies, it' will die from within, and not from without; and if it ever does, there will be no resurrection morn; there will be no guardian angel to roll away the rock from our sepulchre door; there will be no Easter Morn for this Republic." *{<*
Heard a grand man the other day eloquen(ly and solemnly tell a group of thinking men that the future safety of this country is threatened with disaster, even while our boys over there are dying abroad to protect it; that unless every man who serises the great danger we face from the political and ideological trends now so evident throughout this land, gets out and does something about it, the things we are fighting for stand a big chance of being lost. The swing to the left so evident here at home is a threat that those at home must recognize and attend to, lest those who are fighting abroad. lose their birthright while they are making their sacrifices. * * *
Here is a beautiful little verse, written by M. C. Bartlett, that approaches the subject of mother influence most delicately and impressively: Would you know the baby's skies?
Baby's skies are mother's eyes.
Mother's eyes and smile together, Make the baby's pleasant weather.
Mother, keep your eyes from tears, Keep your heart from foolish fears, Keep your lips from dull complaining, Lest the baby think it's raining.
Beautiful, indeed. o"u-or-anJ way, dear reader, do you know where that very useful and meaningful word "beautiful" came from? It will surprise you. It came into being and was used for the first time in Tyndale's Translation of the Bible, which was first published in 1535. Before that, there was no such word, believe it or not. At least, so I read. Wonder how they ever talked without it before that time?
I'm going to take a little extra space here and tell you about the biggest belly laugh I've had lately. A warm friend of mine who has been called East to a position of huge importance, was replying to a lot of toasts at a testimonial dinner given him. His name is John Suman. This is what he said that tickled me so: "All my friends are demanding to know why I am leaving here, and going East to live. In reply to all of them, I simply quote the 42nd Chapter, First Verse of Deuteronomy. f mentioned this to my preacher, and he said there weren't 42 Chapters in Deuteronomy. I said that shows how ignorant you are. You're quoting from the King James Bible, but I'm quoting from the original Hebrew and ignoring King James. Before the King James gang got hold of the Bible and threw out a lot of the best stuff in it, there was a 42nd Chapter of Deuteronomy. And it is from the original Hebrew I am quoting ! The First Verse of the 42nd Chapter of Deuteronomy says this: 'IF YOU GOTTA GO, YOU GOTTA GO.' And that's all there is to it."
Which brings up another thought, this reference to the Bible does. The Ten Commandments. Moses was but a few moments in the burning bush, and he brought forth the Ten Commandments, on which civilization has been
(Continued on Page 10)