1 minute read
tQ 4atorrik Stoq
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Ag. not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 20 years---Somc Lcsr
One First Class Reason
My old friend Lacy Hunt came through with this one: The jury had just brought in a verdict o,f guilty with the sentence that he be hanged, against the colored brother who had been a little too fast with his razor in that last dance fight he got into. The judge addressed the defendant, "
'1rr 1l;. anything you would like to ,"y u"tor. I p,ronounce sentence of death upon you?
The darkey said: "Well, Jedge, deys jus' one thing Ah would lak t'say, an' dat is dat if'n yo,uall hangs me, you
Chcrnge oI Ncrme
The Sage Land & Improvement Company, 301 Crocker Building, San Francisco, announces the change of its name to Sage Land & I-umber Company, fnc., as of January 1, t945.
hangs de bes' bass singah in East Texas."
And "Shooter" Bower dropped into the office to tell me this one:
Two little boys in Hollywood were walking home from school together. One of them said:
"I've got two brothers and two sisters. Hgw many have you?"
And the other little boy said:
"I haven't any brothers and sisters, but I've got three papas by my first mamar and four rnamas by my last papa."
Corcorcn Ycrd Hcs New Owner
Ray Dudley, sales manager of the wholesale department of Stewart & Nuss, Fresno, has resigned his position to take over the Farmer's Lumber Company at Corcorafi, Calif.
We Jlarps@
cr good decl of crircraft plywood, crrd consider it a privilege to hove been oble to toke pcnt in Iurnishing this mcrterial.
Deqlers will enjoy cr much lcnger mqrket for hcndwood plywood when it becomes cvcdlcrble for civilicm use, crrd will be oble to draw on our stocks for their needs.