1 minute read
Hold Out Your Hat For All the Waste
pUILD a house with Schumacher Wall Board--- L) 1l1s readyprepared, pre-shrunk wall for interior and exterior
Then gather up all the small waste pieces. You can put thern into a hat.
Schurnacher Wall Board comes in convenient sizes. All waste is eliminated. Easily and quickly applied. Schumacher Wall Board is one of the rnost economical forrns of building construction.
Durability, perrnanency, and low cost of up-keep are further reasons why Schumacher Wall Board is so economical.
But be sure and get thre genuine. Look for the trade mark onevery piece. And shun the cheap substitutes as you would the plagtre. They will cause you endless worry, and cost much more in thelong run. Ask your lumber dealer, carpenter or contractor about Schurnacher Wall Board.