1 minute read

Pabco Paints Are Tested

are not only as good as other brands but better. The avowed policy of The Paraffine Companies, Inc.-a policy maintained steadily for more than forty years-is to keep its products on the highest plane of quality. The concern, rvhich operates 17 plants on the Pacific Coast, has won an enviable reputation as a quality manufacturer, so the Test Fence 'was evolved to keep this quality paramount."

Los Angeles Entertainment Committee Receives Thanks Of Convention

In a beautifully worded resolution, passed before the meeting at the Friday afternoon session, the Western Retail Lumbermens' Association expressed their sincere appreciation of the hospitality their delegates received at the hands of the Los Angeles lumbermen, and. especially thanked the Los Angeles Entertainment Committee for the splendid program of entertainment that they had arranged, and which was carried out so successfully.

How The Palaffine Companies, Inc., a great Western concern, make a careful check of the quality of its paints by the means of a Test Fence maintained at the company's Emeryville, California, plant, is described by Austin E.


The Fence is situated on the shore of San Francisco Bay and is exposed day and night to the salt arising from the Bay's waters. Paints, varnishes and enamels of the most prominent American manufacturers are placed on panels on the fence, and a careful check made on their resistence to the rays of the run, the chill of the night air, the fumes from an oil refinery situated near the Fence, and every other factor of the elements.

It's purpose, primarily, is to determine how Pabco Paints and Varnishes compare with others when subjected to identical rveather conditions. It is worthy of , note, incidentally, that in most'instances Pabco Paints have withstood the lashings of the elements to better advantage than other brands exposed in the same way.

A Paraffine official in discussing the Test Fence recently, said:

"The reason we operate the Test Fence is to find out if our paints can be improved. Today competition is so keen that we must be certain our brand of paints and varnishes

The Committee in charge of the entertainment for the Western Retailers, was composed of :

Phil B. Hart, chairman, "The California Lumber Merchant"; B. W. Bookstaver, McCullough Fagan Lumber Co.; J. M. Chase, Owens Parks Lumber Co.; F. A. Dernier. Lumbermens' Service Ass'n. i D. A, Goodrich, Union {-umber Co.; A. L. Hoover, A. L. Hoover Co, ; J. C. Owens, Owens Parks Lumber Co.; Perry Whiting, Whiting Mead Co.

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