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Hoo Hoo News
At the meeting of the Hoo-Hoo Club No. t held at the Palace Hotel San Francisco on February 14, Paul G. Reddington United States District Forester of l)istrict 6 which includes the State of California, gave an excellent address on "Cooperation between the Lumbermen Forester and Consumer."
Mr. Reddington spoke on the timber resources of the country and also discussed thoroughly the reforestation of the various commercial species of timber, logging methods employed throughout the various timber sections of the country, taxatioh, and reduction of waste and utilization of timber products.
Mr. Frank Trower announced that the Club was donating a Redrvood Gavel and Case to be given to the HooHoo Club having the largest attendance during the months of March and April. He announced that the full details of the contest would be made by H. R. Isherwood, Secretary and Treasurer, of the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoo. President R. A. Hiscox announced that the following committee lvould airange for the details of Attendence Contest; Frank Trower, Trower Lumber Co., R. F. Hammatt, California Redwood Association, and J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Mercharit."
Jack Ellis Makes Fine Chairman
At the Hoo-Hoo luhcheon, at Los Angeles, February 14th, J. C. Ellis, Los Angeles manager for the Santa Fe I,umber Company, proved himself to a man of fine judgernent in the class of entertainment that he prepared for the boys.
Jack also receives credit for being responsible for one of the largest meetings that has,been held, there being seventy four men present.
He started in with a series of fines. nicking a half dozen of the members for various offenseq. and swelling the Charity Fund considerably. Jack called for B. \Ar. (Bobbie) Byrne, to fine him, but Bobbie has anticipated him and was not there. The week before it had been his pleasure to hand Jack a fine, ahd he rvas on the outlook for a come back.
A fine musical program was offered bv three ladies, and they made a hit. This being Valent-ines Day, the tables were decorated with small favors of varions kin'ds, and the dirninutive dancer that appeared dressecl as a Valentine, just about carried the meeting away.
Mr. Ellis introduced Mr. J. A. Williamp, rvho gave the boys a very interestiing talk on his experience in the base ball world, when he was a reporter on one of the large New York papers.
Hoo Hoo Notables Attend Los Angeles Concat
Los Angeles was honored by the presence of the Snark of the {Jniverse, Charles D. LeMaster, o{ Fresno, at the monster Concat held at Venice, by the Los Angeles District. Mr. LeMaster made a short talk at the dinner prec_eeding the initiation, and was given the Nine by the boys.
Other notable California Hoo Hoo that attended this affair, were Parson Peter A. Simpkin, Past Snark of the IJniverse; E. D. Terinant, Past Vicegerant; R. A. Hiscox,
Past Snark; A. J. Russell, Past Snark; Fred C. Hamilton, Past Snark; David Woodhead, Past Snark; Curtis Williarms, and a great many others.
These gentlemen were all seated at the head table with the Los Angeles Snark, H. L. Rosenberg.
Bookstaver Entertains Initiation Committee
Mr. B. W. Bookstaver, Los Angeles manager for the McCullough Fagan Lumber Cornpany, and chairman of the Initiation Committee for the February 19th Concat, lvas host to the twenty-five members of his committee at a party held at the Ship Cafe, Venice, after the ceremonies of the Concatenation.
The entire committee, togetherrvith several other prominent lfoo-Hoo from other parts of the state, enjoyed the entertainment and refreshments, that "Book" had provided.
San Diego Past Snark Lauds Los Angeles Nine
Fred C. Hamilton, of the Benson Lumber Company, San Diego, and past Vicegerant Snark of the San Diego District, attended the Concatenation at Venice on the night of the 19th, and was loud in his praise of the good work that u'as done by the Los Angeles Nine, with the tremendous class that was handled.
Fred said that he had never seen such fine ritual rvork.