2 minute read
Lumberman's Accident Prevention Association Meet In San Fraecisco
The Lumberman's Accident Prevention Association held their second annual convention in San Francisco in room l4O of the fndustrial Accident Commission, State Building, Civic Center, on February,l9-2!, inclusive. The conventioh opened at 10:30 a. m., on Tuesday the 19th, with the opening address by the Honorable Will J. French of the Industrial Accident Commission.
An interestirrg program was arranged and the convention 'ivas largely attended by representatives from the various lumber companies of the State. Among the speakers were: D. S. Painter, Fruit Growers' Supply Company; E. G. Sheibley, Chief Engineer and Superintendent of Safety, Industrial Accident Commission; W. H. Webber, Hutchinson Lumber Company; A. E. Baker of Hilt, Calif.; W. T. Boyd, Pacific Lumber Company; J. A. Eknall, Weed Lumber Company; H. W. Cole, Little River Redwood Com.pany; Dr. George S. Martin of Riverside Hospital and William Blackmer, Lassen Lumber Company.
State Certified Boiler Inspectors Hold San Francisco Meeting
A convention of the Certified Boiler Inspectors of the State was held in San Francisco on February 1Sth and 19ttr in the Blue Room of the Hotel Whitcomb. The convention opened on Monday, February 18th at 9:30 a. m. John A. McGilvray, Chairman of the Industrial Accident Commission, delivered the opening address. There rvere brief talks by E. G. Sheibley, Chief Engineer and Superintendent of the Department of Safety of the Industrial Accident Commission, and R. L. Hemingway. J. A. Kinkead gave an il: lustrated talk on "Tube Manufacture."
On Tuesday, the 19th, Professor Demonoske of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, delivered an address on 'IJnsymmetrical Boiler Joints." C. H. Delany and F. A. Page al'so gave short talks.
Humboldt Supervisors Vote To Buy Red-Wood Grove
That the Supervisors of Humboldt County, California, have just voted to purchase the Redwood tract known as North Dyerville Flat is the word received today by J; D. Grant, Chairman of the Save the Redwoods League. The preservation of this grove as a public park is a very important step in the completion of the first unit of the Humboldt State Redwood Park. rvhich extends for 12 miles along the state highway between Miranda and Dyerville, Humboldt County, California. Probably the finest trees along the highrvay in this vicinity are found in the North Dyerville Flat which the Humboldt Supervisors have just voted to purchase. This action follorvs closely upon the gift by the Pacific Lumber Company of the South Dyerville Flat, a wonderful tract of 289 acres containing 23 million feet of timber. This tract is to be known as the Simon .f. Murphy Memorial Grove in honor of the founder of the company rvhich is giving it. With the exception of 2 small pieces of timber rvhich the Save the Redwoods. League hopes to acquire for the state within a short time,, the 12 miles stretch Miranda and Dyerville will be com-pleted upon the final acquisition of the timber which the Humboldt County Supervisors have decided to acquire.