4 minute read
This dpace is at your service for want and for sale advertising. Advertisements for help, for employment or for sale can be run in reading form. The rate on this advertising will be $2,50 per column inch.
A first-class salesman to call on contracting trade and local lumber yards. Give full particulars rvith application. Prefer man acquainted with Southern California trade. Box 60. care California Lumber Merchant.
Salesman for retail yard in Sacramento Valley, u'ho understands lumber and has a fair knowledge of building construction. State age, reference, experience and salary expected. Address Box 55, care California Lumber Merchant.
Hrvc Buycn Writilg. DO YOU WANT TO BUY?
Havc good paying yrrd, good locrtion in Lor Angclcr.
SEE L M. MEYER llil0 Chapnan Building' Lor Angcler For Appointmcnt Call
For sale, 1,000 acres land; 16 to 20 million sugar pine, yellow pine, fir and cedar. Full particulars on request. Good location, main road in El Dorado City, California. Address: F. H. Douglas, Elk Grove, Cal.
First class manager for large Los Angeles retail yard. Must be reliable, experienced, progressive and thoroughly familiar with conditions in Los Angeles territory. Applications treated strictlyconfidential. Address Box 122, care California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberman norv in charge of large business has good reasons for wishing change. Willing to locate any place where an ofportunity for advancement or investment later. Full particulars on request. Address Box 77, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
An A-1 Lumber Business. C)wner wants to retire. Address Box 40. care California Lurnber Merchant.
knowledge or markets and large personal acquaintance with buyers from New York to Chicago is open to position on West Coast. .Fifteen years experience manufacturing and selling lumber. Address Box 50 care California Lumber Merchant.
Lumb erman
Position Wanted
As lumber yard manager. Seven years as manager, three in hardware. Married, age 4O. Prefer Southern California or Oregon, in tor,r'n of 500 to 2,000 popula- tion. Address Box 60, care California Lumber Merchant.
Visiting Hoo-HooEntertained By Los Angeles Club
The following twenty-eight visiting Hoo-Hoo metnbers, all of whorn were in Los Angeles during the Western Retailers lnstitute, were given a royal welcome at the special Thursday Iuncheon, on l.-ebruary 21st, held at the Alexandria Hotel.
David Woodhead was the chairman of this date. There was some very excellent music provided by Mr. Deverieux of the Southem California Music Company, and Mr. Roger r\ndrews, vice-president of one of the large Los Angeles banking institntions, gave a very interesting talk on Los Angeles and the growth of the southwest.
A. V. Gray, Gray Lbr. & Shg. Co..... ....740 Henry Bldg., Seattle
A. Bevan, Shingle Brarrch, W. C. Lbrmen's Assn....... Ho,"..' i,i.ci"l.,,,i"i.iii.l; i;;;;;;; : : f63; *iilj BBi*g.; 3:::tl: j. C. Snead, Junius Snead Co..... ....San Francisco
R. E. Burneti, W. n. Spalding Lbr. Co.. ...'.Visalia
G. O. Watland, Watland Lbi. Co.. ....Grinnell, Ia.
A. Schumacher, Home Lumber Co..... ....'Spokane, Wash.
F. M. Harris, Van Arsdale Harris Lbr. Co.. '.San Francisco
Theodore Lerch, Albion Lbr. Co.......Hobart Bldg., San Francisco
W. E. Miller, Columbia Valley Lbr. Co............Kirkland, Wash.
W. E. Crosby, West Coast Lumberman.. '...Seattle
J. P. Austin, American Lumberman. 1005 White Bldg., Seattle
C. H. Grifien, Jr., Homer T. Hayward Lbr. Co. ..Santa Cruz
B. J. Williams, The Paraffine Companies......'....'San Francisco
A. B. Wastell, Cal. Retail Lbrmen's Assn.' c Fi.' c.iif; il;: r;:...'.' :.
Frank T. Gardner, Smoot Lbr. Co..... ..Pr'ovo, Vtah
E. W. Simmons, Smoot Lbr. Co.. ..-...Pro,o, Utah
Geo. Wier, Coos Bay Lbr. Co.. San Francisco
W. F. Bai;d, Maderi Sugar Pine Co..... ....Madera
Frank C. Kendall, Potlatah Lbr. Co.. ....-..S.pokane, Wash.
Carl C. Smith, C. H. Smith Lbr. Co..3229 Anaheim, E. L'ong Beach
R. E. Caldwell, Little River Redwood Co.. .'.San Francisco

Boorman Lbr.'Co.. ......10035 E. 14th St., Oakland
Geo. A. Good, Good Lumber Co.. . ' .Tracy, Cal.
Frank F. Minard, C. S. Pierce Lbr. Co.. ..'..Fresno
S. T. Scofield, Uirion Lbr. Co.. '..Bakersfield
P. T. Burns. Moron Lbr. Co.. ....Bakersfield
Articles Of Incorporation Filed
A certified copy of the articles of incorporation of Nelson & Shirkey, of Burlingame, has been filed.
'fhe capital stock of the company consists of 300 shares of the par value of $10o each, and the incorporators are Rov C. Shirker'. Earl P. Shirkev and Len'is A. Nelson.
Somewhere in all of us, they say, is a sense of humor but it must be developed, just aS alt natural talents. The Cats of the San Francisco Club seem to have a well-developed sense of humor, one of the latest evidences being the following valentine, presented at the club's Valentine Party the evening of Feb. 14th:
Beside the OAK so fine, If I were only SPRUCE enough, I'm sure you'd for me PINE, Your CHERRY lips enthrall me; REDWOOD my love express, FIR, when at the BEECH I first met you, my PEACH, My soul was all tenderness, Don't you CEDAR, I'll surely STICK like GUM; You are so very POPLAR, I'm nearly crazy, PLUM ? CIfPRESS you to my heart, I hope you'll me aDOOR; I WALNUT write to you too muchYou might be SYCAMORE!
In A Class Alone
"Here's for another year. Your paper is in a class by itself, none better." Yonrs truly. Fallbrook Lttmber Company.
F. S. Lake has sold the Bellflower and the Clynes Lumber Company at Hynes to the Flammond Lurnber Co. of Los Angiles. The nerv owners, with 1\{r. W. R. Kelly, who has been the congenial assistant to Nlr. Lake, as manager will assume control of the yards Monday, February 4'
Southern Pine Association Annual Announced
Secretary-Nlanager H. C. Berckes, of the S-outhern Pine Association, has a.nnounced that the Annual Meeting of the Association rvill be held at Nerv Orleans,in the Roosevelt Hotel, on March 11th and 12th.
A milt with Years of exPerience devoted exclusivelY to the making of high grade
Finish, Casing, Base and Mouldings
Standard and California Patterns and Sizes
Calilorttia Ofice
Walter IR" IFifen
5o8 Metro Theatre Bldg.
Los Angeles
Phone 82a346
[milNfisH co..trNc Seattle. W'asbingtoD