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LOS ANGELES, CAL., MARCH I, 1924 Advertiria3
How Lumber Looks
Stating the actual market conditionr that prevail in t'he rtate, right at trhis time, ir not a hard job, but it would be a large order for anyone to rnake a prediction es to what ttre next sixty days would reveal, and have any great amount of confidence in their prophecy.
Stockr are not moving as they might. Here we are at tAe first of March, the ordina4l "pick up" time, rail and cargo rhipments are jurt 'about nortnd, pricer are not cbanged to any extent from a couple weekr ago, but the reported' ralec are lighg right down the line. Probably the extraordinary boom that California esrioyed all lart year, tte enormoru rhipmentr that we piled up, and tte recordr t'hat were made, har caused a state of mind t'hat promotes a pecimirtic feeling when thinge drop off to any extent.
Two weeks ago one thing that war helping to *abilize thir market, war the increared eastern rail rhipment, and the firm pricer prevailing on such rtocks. Thic has fallen off romewhat in the lart few daye. It is reported that some of tte Japanere orden have been cancelled, temporarily. It ir rmderstood that it war necetsarlr for tte Japanese intcrertr to make different errangernentr in the financee, and that thic would take a rhort time.
In the southern part of the state the buitding continues. Los Angelee har prorpectr for a larger month in permits than in January when they built about thirteen million dol- larr. The February total will rrm clote to fifteen millionr.
Shipments for the month, into the Loc Angeles Harbor, will nur to about 135,0OO'OOO. Up to the night of the 26th, one hundred and twenty-one boats had docked, with a carrling capacity of l2QfiDrOOO fe€t, both 6r and red- wood. For the ttree remaining days in the month, 12 more verrelr were due.
The fir mills, members of tfie West Coart Lumbermens Arsociation, in the lart reporg rhow raler for the week of 93,OOO,00O, and they cut 11O,0(X),0OO. This is a drop in rales from the week before of SrO0O'OOO feet, and the prodrrction was practically the came figurc. Undelivered rail orders total 615OO carc. The salec for thir wee& are iurt about lSVo below their production.
The redwood mills in their lart report have a ralec total for the weeh of reven million feet, and they cut nine million. Thir ir a drop of one million feet in rder, and a gain iq production of one million, over the previour week
The Southern Pine Arsociation rold 63,(XX),(XX) feet in the lart week, frorn their report, and they cut 81r(XX)r(XX).