1 minute read
He Didn't Worry About "Truffles 'o ln oil"
California storekeepers, in the roaring days of '49, made sure their shelves were stocked with staples to provision and outfit the mlners. They were "shy" on truffles in oil, but generously stocked with flour, bacon, beans, coffee and salt.
Dimension Redwood is a staple with the retail lumber dealers in Californla. When the prospective home-builder calls for a 2 x 6 "merch" fori mud sills-because Redwood doesn't rot-you want to be able to furnish him promptly from stock, Just as the '49 storekeeper passed the bacon over the counter to the miner.
When farmer Bill Tompkins drops in on Saturday for that 6 x 6 "construction" and 2xl2 "extra merch" for his headgates and flumes, he will call for Redwood-because he knows lt will last.
But he may not know that U. S. Government tests show Redwood as having ample strength in the usual sizes for all ordlnary building purposes. Why not tell him, and suggest Redwood for studding,, floor ioists and ceiling beams?
A well assorted stock of Redwood dimension is a mighty good answer to the question. CALIFORNIA