1 minute read
Achievement -and a /lflessage!
A Plain Statement Assets
Caeh in Of6cc and Bankr Securities
These securities consist of U. S. Government, state and municipal bonds and other securities o{ the highest grade.
Prcmiurne in Courec of Collection
All accounts over 90 days old are excluded. This repre- sents a normal amount of live current accounts equalling only about 35 days'gross premiums.
Mircelleueoue Auetr
Consisting of interest accrued on bonds; amounts due from other insurance companies, etc.
Total Admitted Arectr Belonging to Policyholderr
From these assets we have excluded all {urniture and fixtures, automobiles, printing plant, supplies, premium accounts over 9O days old, and all other assets not quickly convertible into cash,
Rererve for Lorer in Procege of Adjurtment ,.
Rceervc for Unarned Premiumr
This reserve is the full unearned portion of the premium held for the payment of any future losses on policies in lorce.
Rerervcr for Fundr held under Reinrurance Agr.cc- mentt
Rerervc to Cover all Other Liabilitier
This is a reserve to cover taxes accrued. dividends accrued on expired policies and all other current liabilities, other than losses, after providing for "ri made in Surplus f or_ Payment of Future Losses during 1923 made in Net Cash Surplus during 1923
Increase made in Admitted Assets during 1923 .
Losses qaid to pori.yr,orf,r,T:T 9::
The Northwestetrn Mutual Fire Arcociation acl,mowledgea a higher and broader mission than the simple furnishing of sound insurance indemnity at cost. Itr misrion ic thi conservation of property from loas by fire-a terrific and ever-increasing ecoriomic wastage.
Our dafi is at the service of property owners interested in CONSTRUCTM ineurance-iruurance ttrat seeks to prevent losser as well as lo pay for them.
A telephone cdl or portal will bring ur together.