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GEO. R. CHRISTIE' General Manager Homc Office HOUSTON, TEXAS

Sen Frencirco Brench Lor Angelcr Branch 676 Monednoclr rBuilding ,l|}7 Fay Building

Efficiency Pointers

All men are created eeual-to something.

To get UP in the world, you must get DOWN to work. Hard knocks never hurt a ff13n-u11lgss he is doing the hard knocking himself.

What YOU don't know about your business, is the point where your competitor skins you.

If you do your work with a snap, you may some day enjoy that sort of a job.

In killing time you often murder a fine opportunity.

He Mixed It Somewhat

Parson Peter Simpkin used to tell the story of the young preacher who was delivering his first sermon, and had fixed up something eloquent, but mixed it up slightly in starting. He said:

"I come to this church to follow in the footsteps of the Master so far as the power is given me-to heal the dead, to cast out the sick. and to raise the Devil."

She Believed In It

Judge-"Do you believe in divorce?"

Liza-"Yes suh, Ah does."

Rastus (Interrupting) "How com,e you believe in divorce, woman?"' Lit"-"*ell, it's dis way, Judge. Ah sorta feels we need somethin to keep us lvomen in circulation."

Knowledge Going To Waste

A man who was traveling in th,e mountains stopped at a cabin and asked for a drink of water. An old woman brought it out to him, and after drinking he talked with her for a time, telling her great stories of the wonders he had seen on his travels aboirt the world. Finally, when he stopped for breath, the old woman took the pipe out of her inouttr, and said:

"Stranger, if I knowed as much as you do I'd go some'ere and start a little grocery."


To WISH is the job of an office boy.

To DO is the work of a MAN.

Some Scales

A certain member of the United States Senate in an enthusiastic fisherman, so enthusiastic, in fact, that his friends are inclined to, doubt his exactness at times. This doubtlng resulted in on,e of them accompanying him on a fishing trip, and contrary to all expectations the guide's scales upheld the Senator's best stories. The friend was convinced, and they were about to return enthusiastically to the city when, in his excitement, the guide hailed them to his cabin to see his new-born sorL After admiring glances, one of the gentlemen asked how much the baby weighed, so the fish scales were hauled out and the baby placed upon them. HE WEIGHED NINETY SIX POUNDS.


I've followed the hearse, of all my hopes I've buried them one by one.

Gaze on me, and you shall see What the curse of drink has done.

I too had a wife and a child and a home And now I am all alone.

Oh, Gawd, I should never have taken that first Insidious icecream cone.

But I was so young, and my friends they were false, "Just one cannot hurt you," they said, So I started that night, and look at me now, Oh Gawd, what a life I've led.

My Mother said lWilly, lay off that vanillyThem phosphates will lead you astray, The Devil himself is in Sarsaparilly

And his den is them fountains so gay.

But fool that I was, I just laughed her to scorn "I can take it or leave it alone,"

And I drank that same day a chocolate frappee Oh, Gawd, if I only had known.

That was the start of my downfall, my friends, From there it was easy to flit, Down the pathway of vice to the pineapple ice And the'Hellish Banana Split.

But one day an angel came into my life

"I believe in you, Clarence," she said.

And I lpved her so dearly, for one long year, nearly, A temperate life, I led.

And a baby came, as babies will, And grew to a babbling child, But I longed all the time,'for the, juiee of one lime And the thought of it drove me wild.

And I fell one day in an ic6cream den I And slinked with a sinful slink, And staggered home at the close of day The victim again, of drink

That awful night is a dreadful dream

That will last till the day of my.death. '

When I kissed her" my child, Cqied in accents so wilfl, i t'You have strawberry cnrsh or1 your breath."

That was the end of my happy home, And now, I am all alone.

Oh, Gawd, I should never have taken that first Insidious ioecream cone.

What's to become of the wreck of a man

This pitiful, broken reed?

"Another frappe, with a straw !" f say.

Oh, Gawdl What a life, I lead.

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