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Newsy News
Announcement has just been made of the sale of the lumber yard of the Woods-Beekman Lttmber Company to the Sun Lumber Company, a newly formed corporation, organized for the purpose of purchasing and operating this property. The sate includes all buildings, machinery, equipment and entire stock of lumber as well as five acres of real estate owned by the Woods-Beekman Company. It also involves the transfer of railroad lease on 4l acres of land, which with the above mentioned five acres is 'now occupied by the lumber plant.
The Woods-Beekman Lumber Company will continue to operate the business of the Beverly Investment Company and also the hardware store located at 461 Beverly Drive.
The new company is headed by Mr. Frank Burnaby as president. I!{r. Burnaby was formerly of Chicago and is president as well as principal olvner of four lumber companies with head quarters in that city.' Transfer of the business will take place on March lst.
Oakdale, La., Feb. 20.-The acquirement of the plant and properties of the Ward I-umber Company, at Glenmora, La,, by Hillyer Edwards Fuller Inc., is announced.
Hillyer Edwards Fuller Inc. is a new concern, headquartering here, and composed o! t!t. principal officers of Hillyer Deutsch Edwards Inc., of O_akdale.
The lumber mahufactured at the Glenmora plan will be handled through the sales organization of Hillyer Deutsch Edwards Inc.
The timber to be operated is the very finest quality of Calcasieu River hardwood, capable of producing the very highest grade lumber, and the newly acquired plant will "cut for quality."
The new plant is under the management of G. H. Kinig, with the Hillyer Deutsch Edwards people for a number of vears.
The American Lumber Company, at Modesto, a live wire outfit headed by Mr. L. R. Gallegos, has just completed the installation of a thoroughly up to date and modern plan and architectural service department.
Their plant is being remodeled to accomod-ate -?-n-uP-Lodate desi^gning and draughting room' in which will be displaved a -greai variety of photographs, sketched plans and lpecifications of homes of all stles and sizes. The com-
From All Over the State
pany will also employ a cornpetent architect to design and plan individual homes to suit the builder's taste.
They will also carry in stock all of the materials necessary for the completion of a modern home.
This entire department will be in charge of J. D. Jewell, formerly of Modesto, who has been building homes in Oakland for some time past.
The company also announces that it has completed arrangements to assist prospective builders with the financing of their constructions.
On February 9, Longview, Washington, citizens voted in favor of incorporating as a third class city. At the same time, A. L. Gibbs was elected mayor, Dr. John F. Barton, treasurer; J. H. Secrest, city attorney; W. A. Cryderman, city clerk; and C. R. Hammond, H. H. Rock, T. H. Davis, D. H. Walsh, J. I\{. McClelland, A.A. Sisson and W. H. Sharp, councilmen.
This election \Mas the first ever held in Longview, and was the outcome of a meeting of citizens December 17, at which time it was urged that the city be incorporated and a city ticket was nominated. The Cowlitz County commissioners passed upon the plans for incorporation December 20, and the charter was granted immediately following the election.
Longview legal authorities believe Longview to be the first city in Washington to incorporate as third class.
Albion Lumber Company Opens Los Angeles Offices
The Albion Lumber Company, with their main offices in San Francisco, have just completed arrahgements for the opening of their own branch offices in Los Angeles, at 421 Pacific Electric Building.
Until a short time ago, and for the past nine ;rears, this company has been represented in the southern part of the state by the Twohy Lumber Company, of which Mr. Arthur T'.vohy is the head.
Thomas Leonard Called By Death
Thomas Leohard of , Burlingame, father of Earl S. Leonard of the Leonard Lumber Co. San Francisco, died at his home on February 15. Mr. Leonard was sixty years old and was a native of San Francisqo. The funeral services were held on'. Tuesday afternoon February 19 at Santa Cruz.