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Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club Discuss Advertising
There was a large attendance at the regular monthly meeting of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermeh's Club which was held at the Travelers Hotel, Sacramento, on Saturday, February 16.
After an excellent luncheon and a short business session, there was an instructive and interesting discussion on the following subject: "What class of Advertising do you consider best for the Retail Lumber Business: Newspaper, Calendar, Road Signs (large), Road Signs (small), Specialties, Citcular Letters, etc." All the retail dealers present, together with several of the guests, participated in the general discussion and many instructive ideas on lumber advertising were advanced during the discussion. A. L. Porter, Secretary of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Associatioh, and H. Crawford, F. C. Kendall, A. Schumacher, C. D. Bollerman, and R. S. Brown, who are connected with the retail lumber business of the Northwest and who were en route to the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association annual convention at Los Angeles, rvere present at the meeting and advised the gathering of the various methods of advertising employed by the retail dealers in their districts.
"Should contractors receive any greater discount than regular customers, who are big buyers and pay promptly upon receipt of invoice," was also up for discussion and most of the retailers present expressed their views on the matter. President L. H. Chapman presided at the meeting.
Those who registered at the meeting were:
L. H. Chapman, President, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento.
L E. Brink, Secretary, Diamond Match Co., Chico.
W. A. Walden, Home Builder's Lumber Co., Gridley.
F. E. Conner, Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento.
D. A. Williamson, D. S. Ferguson Lumber Co., Galt.
E. L. Fifield, E. L. Fifield, San Francisco.
O. H. Miller, Knox Lumber Co., Sacramento.
A. J. Miller, Spaulding Logging Co., San Francisco..
J.W. S. Butler, Sacramento Lumber Co., Sacramento.
E. S. McBride, Davis Lumber Co., Davis.
E. T. Robie, Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn.
L. E. Healy, J. R. Hanify Lumber Co., San Francisco.
W. D. Thomas, Sacramento.
Geo. L. Meissner, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi.
J. M. Montgomery, Silvir Falls Timber Co., Stockton.
Geo. H. Pfeufier, Leonard E. Johnson Lurnber Co., Portland, Oregon.
H. C. Henry, Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., San Francisco.
J. P. Brewer, Ridwood Mfg. Co., Pittsburg.
A. A. Kelley, Sahta Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco.
C. A. Minard, Cutler Mill & Lbr. Co., Sacramento.
G. M. Whiteside, Hobbs-Wall Lumber Co., San Franclsco.
G. W. Mortimer, Superior Lbr. & Fuel Co.
G. H. Young, California Door Co., Folsom.
Walter Baker, Hendrickson Lumber Co., Sacramento.
Rod Hendrickson, Hendrickson Lumber Co., San Francisco.
Milton Hendrickson, Waterfront Sash & Door Co., Oakland.
W. E. Derr, J. M. Derr Lumber Co., Elk Grove.
H. M. Derr, J. M. Derr Lumber Co., Elk Grove.
H. J. Fuller, Fuller Lumber Co., I-odi.
Speci6ed by leading architectr. hcfarcd by promi- nent merter- paiTterr, and denrended by the:conruming public for their many ure3 of varnirh about tte home.
For details ".r.tr"" HT']lEil?"XiJ Agency proposition BOSTON
C. N. Wood, Strable Hardwood Company, Oakland.
H. Crawford, Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co., Walla Walla, Wash.
F. C. Kendall, Potlatch Lumber Co., Spokane.
A. Schumacher, Home Lumber Co., Spokane.
P. D. Bollerman, Watla Walla Lumber Co., Walla Walla, Wash.
A. L. Porter, \Mestern Retail Lumbermens' Association, Spokane.
R. S. Brown, Western Retail Lumbernens' Association, Spokane.
J. E. Martin, "The California Lumber Merchant," San Frahcisco.
Receipts At San Pedro For 1923
The following figures have just been released, giving the total footage of lumber into San Pedro, f.or 1923.

Mr. Hal Baly, who has been with the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. for twenty years, the last eight as assistant manager in Los Angeles and previous to that 4s superintgndent of the Sah Pedro yard and rnill of the company, hag feen appointed Los Angeles manager of the Los Angeles Lumbei Products Company having full charge of opera{io, ps and sales at the Los Angeles office and the Los'Anqeles Harbor plant of the products company.
Mr. Baly's appointitrent as annourlced by Erle M. Leaf, president, became.effective in Febfuary. He .rvil! maintain his offrce in the lumber'pioducts suite in the Hollingsryorth building.
Mr. C. H. Davies who has been manageinig the Aptelope Valley Lumber Company, at Lancaster, for somejir4e, his resigned there to accept a position with the E. K' Wood Lumber Company in Los Angeles.
Mr. Davis is succeeded by H. B. Bruce, a well known retailer, of Los Angeles.
Four Texas Railroads Buy Big Orders Of Fir Timbers
Yard To Open At La Jolla
The Wells Lumber Company has secured a site for a retail yard, at La Jolla, and rvill open soon.
One of the signs of the times is the fact that during the last thirty days four great trunk lines in T€xas, The Southern Pacific, the Ihternational & Great Northern, the Santa Fe, and the S. A. & A. P. have purchased large orders of Douglas Fir for their timber requirements.