2 minute read
(Continued from Page 43.)
In L923 a new home was completed in Oakland every eighteen minutes of the wrrrking day, and a new industry established every five days.
19 out of. 20 of the great nationally advertised concerns recently placing their plants on the Pacific Coast, chose Oakland for their home.
We are the second fastest growing city of over 200,000 population in the United States, and the fastest growing industrially.
Reads wonderfully, doesn't it ?
But she made the mistake of failing to clip from the bottom of the sheet, the follorving !
Foun Gneer Neeos: Adequate Water Supply.
Adequate Street Transportation.
"You have the natural advantages which should make of Oakland a great commercial city, but you must have co-operation, yotr must go and, get business."-Major-General Lansing H. Beach.
Reminds us of one of our favorite stories. The Preacher had applied for a pulpit in a strange city, and the trustees of the church wrote the trustees where he had last served. asking for his record. They replied:
"The Reverend Brown is a gentlernan born and bred; a man of magnificent education; a thorough student of the Scriptures; an eloquent preacher of the word of God; a fine organizer and a splendid mixer."
And it would have been a wonderful letter but thev added at the end:
"Only one criticism can be made of the gentleman: he is loud mouthed and quarr"tr?-"**1"r he's drunk."
No unkind inference intended. Remember what loads of infamy Grand Old Texas has carried on her shoulders for years. Remenrber the story that everyone knows of the man who said all Texas needed was more rain and a better population, and the reply was that that was all Hell needed.
Now if we were going to send out literature trying to sell Oakland to the. world, we would leave off that latter part of it. We wouldn't say that Oakland "Must have co-operation." That's bad advertising, Mrs. Russell. Because the city that lacks co-operation, lacks the first great fundamental. f don't believe that Oakland has any such genuine lack. If I were you I would advise your local boosting bureau-whoever it is that compiled the above information,-to blue pencil from its literature all negative things about Oakland. There are enough people who will try to point out your weaknesses, without doing it yourselves.
Cities are like men. They grow from WITHIN and not from WITHOUT, and lack of co-operation WITHIN means attendant lack of growth.
The thing that is making California-NOT Southern California, nor Northern California, nor Central California, nor ony other part or parcel of California, but this whole mighty comrnonwealth throughout-the wonder spot of the world, is NOT, the wondrous endowments of a generous Providence, but the wonder workings of enthusiastic men and women who believe in California, and who work together "in.spirit and in truth" to make their visions come true.
Oakland will be what Oakland makes itself-what its people make it; no more; no less. The only natural limitation imposed upon it is the quality and quantity of the efiort of its citizens to make it big, and good, and great. Nothing more. And the same is true of many other promising cities of California.
Oakland, or any other ambitious city, may well blazon these words in the front-most page of its citizens ritual, for they are gospel:
"Real towns are not made
By men afraid
That somebody else gets ahead;
If everyone works
And nobody shirks
You can raise a town from the dead.
And so while you make
Your personal stake
If your neighbor
Should make one too;
Then your town will be
What you want it to be
For it isn't your town IT'SYou."* lfere's all good wishes to Oakland, Mrs. Russell.
..PERFECTION'' BR^A,ND OAK for Flooring
It is easier to sell a well-known brand of anything. Your customers have greater confidence in its value, Stock "Perfection"' Brand Oak Flooring-the flooring with a long established reputation.
We have two large plants manufacturing .,perfection" brand, plain and quarter sawed. This insures dependable service. Write today for full details. Watch for our national advertisements.
Arkansas Oak Flooring Company
PincBluff, Arkansas