1 minute read
By Jacrt Dtonne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told fot 2O years-Some less.
Get Behind the Bu$$y
A French lumberjack took a job one time as'hired man on a farm, and he slept in a room in the attic of the farm house.
One night about midnight the baby in the farmers house was taken with the croup' and the frantic mother rushed to the foot of ttre stairs ald called up excitedly to the highstrung Frenchrnan that the baby was sick, and she feared it would die if he didn't take the buggy and go to town after the doctor as fast as the Lord would let him.
Joe jumped into his clothes all excitement, rushed down the back stairs, out in the barn, grabbed the shafts of the buggy and tore out, and the next thing he knew he pulled in front of the home of the doctor six miles awa/r and began shouting:
"Docteur, docteur, come quick you know, de baby has de croup an' I'm fraid he's gone to die."
The Doctor in his turn made a rush act of dressing, grabbed his medecine case and tore out the front door, then iaused, for there in the midnight moonlight stood Joe, holding the shafts of ttr'e buggy, and prancing like a colt, just rarin' to go. The doctor said:
"Why Joe, where's your horse?"
And the Frenchman shouted back: "Nevair mind de horse, I ain't got no horse,-GET BEHIND DE BUGGY AN PUSH.''