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Sacramento Hoo-Hoo Initiates Fifteen Kittens
Fifty members of the Sacramento Hoo-Hoo and visiting guests sat down to an excellent dinner and entertainment at the Elks Club on Saturday evening February 16. After the dinner, the gathering convened at the offices of the Sacramento Lumber Co..-where the initiation was held in the company's new office addition. The Nine in charge of the initiation rvas made up as follows: ,/ ihe follo-ing Kittens rvere initiated:
Vicegerent Snark-D. A. Williamson.
Senior Hoo-Hoo-E. T. McBride.
Junior Hoo-Hoo-Walter Baker.
Bojum-A. A. Kelley.
Scrivenoter-E. T. Robie.
Gufdon-"I{igh" Henry.
Custocatian-Earl White.
Arcanoper-W. E. Seavy.
Tabberwock-Milton Hendrickson.
J. W. Jackson-Sacramento Lurnber Co.-Sacramento.
E. W. McCabe-Auburn Lumber Co'-Auburn.
T. R. Emerd-Sacramento Lumber Co.-Sacramento.
S. J. Maakestad-Sunset Lumber Co.-Oakland.
N. P. Bravo-Sacramento Lumber Co.-Sacramento.
E. P. Hodges-Sacramento Lumber Co.-Sacramento.
R. M. Price-Sacramento L,umber Co.-Sacramento.
E. B. Haines-Sacramehto Lumber Co.-Sacramento.
O. A. Close-$ls1zrnsnto Lumber Co.-Sacramento-
I. C. Prola-Sacramento Lumber Co.-Sacramento.
High Type Of Men Added To Order
The February 19th Concatenation, held by the Lgs Angeles District at Venice, was successful not only for-its numbers, and for the large turn out of the old Cats, but should be considered more importantly from the view of the extremely high type of men that were added to Hoo Hoo, at this meeting.
One hundred and seventy-one Kittens at one meeting is a record that r,vill no doubt stand for a good many months. In this number, there were just ninety-five men who gave as their position in their c-opplny a title as manager, orvner, partner, or a similar title that indicates.their positions as i principal in their respective co,mpanies. The men who applied for Reinstatement into the order, were without eiception, men of a caliber that lvill prove to be a credit to Hoo Hoo.
The Kittens were listed from 26 different cities, mostly in California, and of course, mostly close to Los Angeles.
W. H. Batchelder-F. S. Ferguson Lumber Yard-Galt.
W. A. Walden-Home. Builders Lumber Co.-Gridley. '
H. M. Derr-J. M. Deer Lumber Co.-Elk Groce.
W. E. Derr-J. M. Derr Lumber Co.-Elk Grove.
L. G. Srchren-Knox Lumber Co.-Sacramento.
C. A. Minard-Cutler Mill & Lumber Co.-Sacramento.
J. H. Shepard-Friend & Terry Lumber Co.-Sacramento.
G. N. Whiteside-Hobbs-Wall Lumber Co.-San Francisco.
After the initiatioh the "Kittens" entertained the "Cats" with several interesting athletic stunts with Walter Baker and Milton Henrickson in charge. Rod and the Hoo-Hoo 3 composed of Rod Hendrickson, Walter Baker, and Milton Hendrickson provided the music during the initiation.
Los Angeles BoastsCham "Kitten Getter
The Los Angeles Hoo Hoo District has a member that it is proud of, and who it owes a vote of appreciation for the very fine work that was done in the drive for new members for the last Concatehation.
Forrest Wilson, a young man of about 25, and connected with Fletcher & Frambes, one of Los Angeles' oldest wholesale concerns, was a hard working man during the last three weeks, and was successful in turning in the greatest humber of applications among the twenty-five men that were working on the committee.
Forrest has distinguished himself before with his work in this connection, and while it was no surprise that he led the race, it is really a remarkable fact, that one man could / secure the number of Kittens that he turned in. His record/ was a total of 65 new members, all of whom showed up at the meeting Jftitiation, and who are a bunch of men who will prove to be a fine addition to the order.
More power to Forrest.