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S. E. SLADE ffi 0. ffi LUMBIR C
Retailers Of Red Cedar Shingles
Can you 1rrcsent convincingly a comprchcnrive SALES TALK-on the rtandard Gradcr of RED CEDAR SHINGLES now demrnded in thir market?
\l/hen a prospectivc builder arkr you the qucetion of what the differcnce in cort bctween difrcrent grader of RED CEDAR SH INGLES pcr .quare laid, and aleo difrerent typec of cubrtitutc roof-DO YOU GUESS-or DO YOU KNOW?
^A. profitable eale of one of our RED CEDAR SHINGLE FAMILY oftcn DEPENDS upon the corrcct an.wer! to ruch quertionc.
'We are preparing a pamphlct rhowing c omparativc cortr of complete roofr Shingled with difrercnt gradcr of our GRAYS HARBOR RED CEDAR SHINGLES. Let ur help you becomc Shingle expertr. Look around your community, end notc thc pcrcentage of Englirh typc homer now demanding your advice.
Our SHINGLE FAMILY ar Followr: lE'l Circle S Brand Perfectionr S-2yntr-t*, Cleaelfi0/s Vertical Grain-No Sap- 3/'and Wider. lE// Circle S Brand Superiors 5-2Y+"-l00Vo Clear- Edge Gnin-Free from Sap- Random Widthr-3/, and Widcr.
21" Citcle S Brand Royalr-lfily'e Clear-l0D/6 Vertical Grain-No Sap-Pu,11 y,, Thick--4" and Wider.
16/' Circle S Brand Pcrfcctionr 5/2-lG/.0Vo Clear-Edge Grain-Frec from Sap-3/, and Widea
16// Circle S Br:and Superbs 6/2--lWVo CleaeEdge Grain-Frce from Sap--3r/ and Wider.
'We recommend for thic martrctGRAYS HARBOR SPECIAL 6/2 to/e Clcat-remaining Z|/s pennit Defect r-12l' and Over from Butt-3" and wider,
Aberdeen, Washington
We specialize on Grays Harbor Soft, Old Growth Yellow Fir CARGO.AND RAIL Our Commona are Quditv Stock ONLY