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' Scientific ldln drying preserves within our products naturets sturdy and beautiful qualities, while
Modern machinery and sldlled human effort iustifies our slogan
Bradley's lt's Better"
Hammond Lumber Co. Buys Large Lumber Vessel
Captain Charles Watts of San Francisco, and Edward French, marine engineer, are en route to the East coast to bring back the steamer M. J. Scanlon, rvhich rvas recently purchased by the Hammond Lumber Company of San Francisco.
The vessel is no.w on berth at Philadelphia to carry out to this coast general freight for John \\r. Chapman, San Francisco shipping man.
It was first contemplated bv her netv owners to convert the vessel into a model lumber career at Eastern shipyards rvith a capacity of transporting 4,000,000 feet of lumber, but this plan 'n'as changed and it is thought that the Hammond Company rvill let the conversion job upon arrival here to one of the East Bay yards.
C. B. Drake, sales manager of the Silver Falls Timber Co., Silverton, Oregon, is a California visitor and is accompanying J. M. Montgomery, their California representative, calling on the lumber trade in the Bay District, Sacramento Valley, and San Joaquin Valley. He attended the Joint Lumbermen's Meeting at Stockton on February 14 and was also one of the Kittens at the Hoo-Hoo Concatenation at Stockton.
John Olson Vtstts San Franctsco
John Olson, Los Angeles, Manager of the Southern California operations of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., was a recent San Francisco visitor u'here he conferred with Chas. R. McCormick, president of the company, on business matters. In speaking of lumber conditions in Southern California, he says that they are showing improvement. He states that San Diego is sholving a good steady home building growth and that the lumber demand there is good.
It is new to the Pacific Coart, but back Eart they have been selling Bishopric Base for 18 yearr-and thousands of Lumber Yards push it becaure it builds better, stronger wallr at lower cost.