1 minute read
for Ltrrnber Merchants
It's a Iumber product! Strips of beveled board embedded in asphalt mastic over a tough, durable fibre board. Sold in rolls. Contractors iust nail Bishopric Base to the Sold just the studding-then apply cement. We recommend | 8-gauge galvaniied wire netting to reinforce the cement. As the cement hardens in between the beveled boards it forms a dovetail-the slrongesl mechanical ftey lTnovn. Stronger even than walls of l" sheathing.
Get an Exha Profit
After its success in the East, Bishopric Base cannot fail to be a big seller in Los Angelss-65pgqi3lly as it costs no more than other bases which are not nearly so strong' There's no money in sheathing sales anyway. Sell Bishopric Base instead, for inside and outside walls, and get an extra pro6t that belongs to you but is now going to material supply houses.
Well Advertised
B'esides the national advertising campaign, Bishopric Base is now being advertised in smashing big space in -Los Angeles n"*rpap.tt. Send for free sample and learn how yo.i."n ptofri fiorn this new product now being manufactured in a Los Angeles factorY.
Bishopric Manu{acturing Company of California, producing Bishopric Base for Stucco, Plaster, Brick Veneer and pr"ame Siitaings; Bishopric Stucco for Exterior -W-alls; Sunfast Color -stucco; Flooring and Drain Board Composition, @4-626 East 62nd Street, Los Angeles' 'Phone AXridge 0707.