4 minute read
JackDionn e,fu.blis\y southern oftcc Aiverdlt!8 Muagcr lnupcated 1n{e-r tlo lawr ol Calllcala w. r. BLA.K r. c. Dtd!" "-'d-ffitit$ffi-:f.";;':af-f:::' Jr" secv' znd Natiour,B;:::r'ds' san Froci*o 3rs-r9-20 gENTRAL a'difi-riic, Lo5 4trc.eles' c^lr:., teLgpHoNE' vAn'til'e {565 Corera Ncthm Callf. :- - ett";"d t|Si"ii6-alali*l-.tt""--i.pte.-be"' E' rvz4 at ttc Postoffl@ at ud Paclfic Ncthwe3t -*'* -6--Ailti"i-c"tu*i"' undcr Act of Much q rt?9'
Subr-cription Price, $2.00 pcr Ycar r OS ANGELES, CAL., MARCH l, lg2g "t:T|f"it"*ff; Siogt" b"piue, 25 centr calch. r-1
How Lumber Looks
Douglas Fir Cargo. The millr are very optimistic abogt tle outboL, and are ieluctant to quote owing to br9ke1 *9* dus to -forced curtailment. Commons are about $l'oo ;t;"g.t than two weeks ago, and {". 3 ir SOc -to.$l'(D [igtr"i. Prices for clears are about the ramer-with the.ex' cJption of f,ooring, which is atronger, with No. 2 vertlcqt ;;t-str;"s. - -rt&" is considerable ihprovement in slarh *;" fl;ttg prics. There are a lot-of special inquilv' ioa nign"t priiea are anticipated. There ir no change in }ath or shingle prices.
Douslas flr il*L Pricec on No. 1,-2-and 3 Common are $l.fi)iisher than two weekr ago. --Minfurg timber.s T".tlp SZ.OO. tt""re are firm. The mille report rtockr -badlY brokeo, and are only accepting olden for etocks on hand; th;t #t; well flbi ordei -fi!& for eastern rail shipme'nt' il; ttiost" -*t "t for rail shipments is firm with pricee 1O to 25 cents higher. --
F"t Ut" ntti sik weeks ofr 1929, orden for lunrber ex.6.d4;;d""iion bv 16.9 per cent and shipmentr.were 1,'3 o"t ""ttf less than cutting, according to studier made by the it;-E;;t t.orrro-".tr Aesociaiion on reports of 135iiiJt --lU" l" lhe Dowlar fir region of Warhington and Oregon. Mill stocks were eight-t "!!"-9{ one p-er 99nt gg ilr". t"ffJas of Janrnry-l for 1_35 identical mills. This ""riti""'i, the strotrgest, fr6m the lumber industryte- stand;;ht;i tiet", *hioh-has existea at anv time during the pe'rt five yean. - tltu Califomia market continuer to rhow lmpro-v-ement' v*a- *"i1" *" t"q and the demand ir good' Unrold ctocks ;fS"" Pedro totad 8'736'000 feet on February 27, $e lowest since last Jrure. 37 lumber vessclt are tied !pr-l!& ;;;";;til "o-"r'"L"t" t*t". The Lor.Angeles buildi1c p.t-it" up to February 23 exceed the totd building permrtt for the month of JanuarY.
Tbere ir-considerable activity in _all nnrkets, a.d-ioteign inquirier are numerous. California businers for February has beqr satisfactory.-- - -E"tifi-i" whit. and Sugai Pine. The market contin'er "tt""s ii "-U--god'ei*i$ priiee firm.- -There is a good -volume ;l;h;;d mill sto;ks are badlv broken' The dernand iiif,"J*iitJ;i shop items ir active. The California rnar- ket continuer to show imProv*emenl * nedwood Acaociation' Produclroq, 141939 M f..i; -Siip-""t", 16,,OOZ -U f::t; -Or{en, 59-'7-8-9- !4 !""t' -- Sl"U&t Pine lsiociation. Production, 46!1688 M feet; SUp-"it"' 47lr57-7 M feet; Orders, 49-7136O M feet' --f"t* 'li"nawood move-ott itod'uctiott,- 9ry,?9q M f"iiSfrip-""t"' gSg,CgC M feet; Orden, 372,795 M feet'
Softtf,ood and hardwood ctatieti€ for the fint reven *".k;-;a 19C9,-U*.J on reporting mills of the regional *"""i"ti""t, a"6ording to t'he-report of-the National LumbJ M;Jacturers Association of February 21, ate as follorvs: '- i{*l C"ast Lumbermen'r Association : Prod'uctiont ^991f 378 M f;i; Shipments, 976,769 M feet; Orders, 1,140'558 M feet. .--CJii"tt i" White and Swar Pine Association' Producti";, ii4,iis M f*t; Shipments, 138,717 M feet; Ordere' 133,786 M feet.
Home Moder nizing Bureau of East Bay Hears Kansas City Bureau's Plan
J. E. Neighbor, managing director of the Home Moderni"irrg Bureau of the East Bay, recently handed to The California Lumber Merchant a copy of a letter written by the chairman of the board of trustees of the Kansas City Home Modernizing Bureau, giving particulars of the-ir plan of operation. 3o-. quotationJ from this letter follow:
"Briefly this is our plan. -A prospect answeriirg our advertisement is interviewed by our field man who gets as much information from the prospect as possible' Informaiiot tto* the prospect is brought into the office and handed to our financiil seition, who advise whether or not they are oreoared to make a loan to consummate the changes conleniplated. Assuming everything is satisfactory our architect^arranges an inteiview and discusses the alterations he has in mind. Having agreed upon these the plans and .o""in""tions are dra#n ip and in engineer estimates the iil"i ""J *at.riat required. This data is forwarded to the "orrltt"tott' department who bid and in due course the seal;J-bid; ;; "p"'"r"a in the presence .of th-e prospect,..and' with ah"-biar there is a bond eirclosed that the work will be performed for the amount of money specified' If the prospect t.ouit"t fi""ncial assistance, he ii put in touch with the finance members of the Bureau." gry Hammond's overseas alfiliations provide a direct source of supply of imported hardwoods. Over 50 varietie of imported and domestic woods are carried in stock. Over 3,000,000 feet of practically every lnown y.riety of hardwood alweys on hand, from Sugar and Vhite Pine to rhe highest priced m.hogany and walnut.
The letter states that over 500 inquiries were received from the Bureau's advertisement in a Kansas City paper, indicating great interest on the part of home owners whose hoor"t nEei modernizing. The itatement is made that it is f"tie"ea that one 'adver-tisement a month will bring in all the business the Bureau can handle.
DoucLAs rrn: Manufactured bv Hammond mills in the select timber stands of Oregon, supplemented by the output of Vest Coast mills whose manufacturing standards are in keeping with Hammond requirements, provide a continual supply of this lumber to maintain the quota of stocks at our distributing yards.
REDvooD: A modern sawmill plant at Sililc"rr., provides a direct supply of Redwood, manufactured under expert supervision. Redwood, through its adaptability for nearly every form of construction and supplemented by an extensive advertising campaign, is betoming more and more favored by the building trades throughout California.
Tbese mtnafacturing facilities, sources of supfly and mailable stocks, lorm a definite seruice to tlx rctail lumbet dealer.