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ODAY, more than ever, buyers seek mer- r chandise of known quality. They discuss first the t'maket' of motor cars, radios, watcheseverything. Price is a factor, of course, but the brand or trademark of some manufacturer who. over a long p-eriod of years, has established a repu- tation for reliability-that is what, most often, puts the name on the dotted line-clinches the sal'e.
_ Quality lumber is no exception to this new buying rule_the dealer who.is supplying his t_rade,with good lumier"is findi-ng rt out to his satisfaction-and to his profit.
For these and other reasons lumbe.r dealers from coast to coast.are stocking C. C. & C. C. Kiln Dried Old Growth yellorv Douglas Fir. Their best trade likes it.
"It's Worth the Dif erence"
Let us quote on your requirements.
(A. J. "GuE" Russell) Distributors in California and Arizona
Ceneral Offices:. San Francirco, California St, Clair Building 16 California Strcct