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William G. Kerckhoff Announce Consolidation of Lumber and Box Departments
William G. Kerckhofi, pioneer Los Angeles lumberman, died Friday, February 22, at the age of 73 years. - -
Mr. Keickhofi was president of the Kerckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co. of Los Angeles. He became associated with the lumber business in Los Angeles in 1879, and shortlv afterwards became a member of the firm of JacksonKerckhoff & Cuzner. Later Mr. Kerckhofi and Mr. James Cuzner purchased Mt. J. G. Jackson's share in the busitr".r atd the firm name lvas changed to Kerckhofr-Cazner, as it remains to this day.
Mr. Kerckhofi was plinning to have a dinner on April I for all the "old-timers" in the industry to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the company.-He had been plesi{9nj of the company since its incorporation on Janualy 1, 1884'
Mr. Kerckhotr n"a many buiiness interests. He was the first developer of hydroellctrical power in Southern California and iook an active part in the commercial and industrial development of Southern California for the last half centurv.
Funiral services were held on Monday, February 25' Mr. Kerckhofi is survived bv his widow, Mrs. Louise Kerckhofi, and two daughters, Mis. Webster B. Holmes and Mrs' Gerald C. Young, both of Los Angeles:
George S. Long, Weyerhaeuser .Timber Co', Tacoma, Wash.,"is a Southirn California visitor and is vacationing at Pasadena.
The Macco Lumber Co. of Los Angeles will establish a branch office and yard at Clearwater. -Mt. J. E' Cavanagh is the head of the Macco Lumber Co'