1 minute read
-90 Pcrcent or More Red Heart -10O Percent Oil Content
Genuine Tcnneree Aromatic Red Cedar, accuratcly manu' factured, tonguc and groovcd ald end matched' Cortr no morc than unknown brandr. Madc by Gcorgc C' Brown & Co, Memphir, world'r largcrt manufacturcr of Tcl' ne3.ee Aromatid Red Ccdar.
Sceted in double-facc fibre board certonr againat durt, dirt, danpnar or danage in lhipping or .tofrgc.
For circular and quotation adilress:
Distrib*tors for Distributors for Southern Californb
Northern Colif ornia
The Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills have just anhounced the consolidation of their lumber and box departments. J. H. Prentice, who has been Secretary of the company for the past twenty years and has been connected with- thi firm foriwenty-seven years at the mill at Bellingham, Wash:, will be in charge of the lumber department. The box department will be-under the direction of M. S. Lopes, Jr., who has been identified with the box business in Loi Arigeles and San Francisco since 1909 and has been the com-pany's Southern California representative for the .past thrie years. Mr. Lope's new territory includes the entire state of California.
Bob Forgie, who formerly represented the company in Los Angeleis, has made no announcement as to his future plans.
Bill Morrison Goes to San F'rancisco "Cappy" Slade Back on:Old Territory
"C^ppy" Slade has returned to the lumber Stme gnd.i-s now ciilittg on the lumber trade in the Los Algeles district for the S.-8. Stade Lumber Co. Bill Morrison, who has been looking after the sales in the company's Los Angeles office. has bien transferred to the company's San Francisco office, where he will have charge of sales.
Arthur Bevan Visits Southern California
Arthur Bevan, Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, Wash., is a Los Angeles visitor on asJociation business' Accompanied bv Earl-Bowe of the National Lumber Manufactrirers' Association, they spent a few days in San Diego around the latter part of the month.
G. M. Henin3ton lVlacDonald&Ha
Wholeralerr of LUMBER AND BOX SHOOI$
Ercluaive Northcra California Rcprcrenta6vcr
C. D. Johnson Lumber Co.
Toledo, Or"gon ,
Rail Shipments
Straight or Mixed Cars of Old Grovrtfr Yellow Fir and Sitka SPruce
Specializing in Finish and Wotfted Uppets
Lor Angcler Main O6cc Portlend fl13 Pctrolcum Sen Francirco rll0 PittocL Blk' Securiticr Bldg. 16 Celifornir Sa