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Forest Products LabratorY Twenty-Six Great Lumber Comqanies Sign
Courses to Be$in March 25 Agreement
Madison, Wis.-As a result of the demand from the lumber and woodworking trades for resumption of instruction"i "ouir.r at the U. -S. Forest Producti Laboratory, -C'- P: Winslo*, Director of the laboratory, has announced that *"-iuff pt"gt"- of courses will be risumed this spring' beginning March 25.
- Th."orr.-week course in the gluing of wood will begin March 25. The maximuttt .ttt6ll*ent for this course is sixteen and the cooperative fee required of each man enrolled, $100. -tt; laboratory's short course in the kiln drying.gi lY*,b:t will beein Aprii 1. This is a two-weeks' course limrted to iti-;;t;l;""l.. The cooperative fee is $150 for each matr enrolled. - n tnott course in boxing and crating will also- begin Aoril 1. This course is of one week's duration, wrth..a co- -t-i*"tit. iee of $100 per rnan' The maximum enrollment it twenty.
The iistruction in this year's laboratory courses will follow the same general linei that have characterize,d pr-evi;;;
Eirphasis will be placed on practical rath.er than theoretical mtthods, and full use will be made ot the extensive experimentll "19 testing equipmenl Formal lictures will be dispensed r'vith as far as pgsstP:e in favor of actual demonstrations, tests, and round table Jir.urriottt in which members of the classes take active part.
' Attendance in the courses is limited in order to pr-o- individual instruction and attention to the special otobl.rnt of the different members of each class' '-dppfi*tions for enrollment in the kiln drying,.gluing' ""ail"ing and crating courses should be addressed to the il;";t";; ?orest Prod-ucts Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin.
Fire destroyed the manufacturing plant and box flctory of the Biles-ioleman Lumber Co. at Omak, Was.h', Februrrr. lO, with a loss estimated at $500,000' This is the sec".ia ai!".ttous fire which this concern has had in the last .i" t"o"tft., their saw mill arid dry kilns having been destroyed SePtember 23, 1928'
up National Tree Trade Mark
Washington, Feb. 19.-Up to, Tuesday,- February 19th, twenty-sii of the leading lumber- manufacturers ot the Unit"i States, operating"fifty mills, had signed a- trade mark leasing "gti.tn.ttt wittr the National Lumber Manui""iut"rr AEsoiiation. This means that these twenty--six "o-p""i.. manufacturilg yearly almost two billion eight hun&red and seven milli5n- feet-of lumber, have agreed to oroduce srade and trade marked American standard lum'Uir, or #tti.tt will appear the NATIONAL TREE trade,n"it ,y*fol of the Nitional Lumber l\{anufacturers Asso;i;i;; *rtiitt is the sign of that Association's financial il;;;;i.; ttrat the lumbir is in accordance with its grade irark and the implications thereof.
The list of comPanies is as follows:
Pacific Spruce Corporation, Portland, Ore'; Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ote.; Ernest Dolgg, I-nc', ^Tacoma, W"ttt-; Wiliapa Lumber Co., Raymond, Wash'; Aberdeen Lu-b.t & Shingle Co', Aberdeen, Wash'; Natalbany^ LumU"r Co., Hamm6nd, La.; Pearl River Iaumber Co', C-a-nton, Vtirt., (2 mills) ; McGoldrick Lumber Co-, Spokane, Wash'; Winton Lumber Company. Gibbs, Idaho; Weyerhaeuser Ti;;.; Company, Evereti, Was\ -(Mills at Everett ahd Lonsuiew, Wu.6., and Klamath Falis, Ore'); Snoqualmie F"ii3 fi*l.r Co., Gibbs, Idaho; Carlisle Lumber Co', Onat"rt u, W".h.; Long-Bell Lumber Co., K-ansas .City, Mo'' ii+ rnitt.) ; Kaul Lumber Co., Birmingham. Ala';-Deer iark Lumber Company. Deer Park, W-ash'; Adams-Banks Lrr"t"t Co., Mortbn, 'Miss.; Adams-Newell Lumber Co', Morton. Miss.; Craig Mountain Lumber Co', Winchester' i;;it;; 'P".ific'State; Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash'; Manl.v-Moot" Lumber Co., Bankers Trust Eldg'' Tacoma' Wash.; I. Neils Lumber Co.. Portland,Ore.; Umpqua Millr & Lumber Co., Portland, Ore'; Parker Poyn,e-er Co'' b""i"ti. Wash'; B. Heinemann Lumber Co', Wausau' Wi..; -b."f.nian' Lumber Co.. Norfield. Miss'; Marie-tta Lumber Co., Burnside, Miss'; Silver Falls Timber Co', Sil"-"rt"", Ot..; Westport Lumber-Co., Portland' Ore'; Exchange Sawmlils Co.. (4 companies, 5 mills')
E. H. Mever, Portland. vice-president a'nd general manaser of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, w-as a ;;;"i Satt p""tt.isco visitor, returning to Portland oh February 19.