1 minute read
Tlte Caldwell €9 Iseminger Company . explatns a surprisiug increase in sales
JN business for 58 years the Cald- I well & Iseminger Co. of Middletown, Ohio, isn't Jasily excited about ordinary things. But they are enthusiastic over results like this:
In t9z7 they sold close to twice the number of Laminex doors they handled in 19e5. And last year's sales were double those of r9z7!
You'd like to sell more doors yourself, perhaps. Here, in President H. S. Boren's own words, is how his company did it:
"We tested the Laminex door ourselves, saw how it stands up under conditions much more severe than in normal use, and then began to push it strongly.
"Now when customers try to buy another door, we sell them Laminex. And our Laminex door business has doubled and doubled again since r9e6."
"Wcflkd thc panck with water, letthesun dry it out; turrred door ooer and did thc samc; and rcpeatcd thitJor ten days without any effect on the dar" witct thc CaUucil tl ltcmiager Co. of a tcst it raoc a Izminex door. Eirhusiastic? Who uouUn't bc?
Dealers everywhere are more than pleased with the business the Laminex door has brought them. A door that won't warp, shrink or swell, it is something to talk about. Nationally advertised to home owners, architects, and contractors, it brings buyers to the mill for it-andJor other mi llwor kwhile they're in. Thus it wins new regular cutomers!