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Wholesalers' Convention
Officers and the Annual Meeting Committee of the National-American Wholesale Lumber Association met at Buhalo, February 19, to consider plans for their coming A""u.f in Washington, at the Mayilower Hotel, -April 10ff, tftot. attendirig being Presidlnt- len S. Woodhead, gi",ttrro"t, Texas; t. A. 6oodman, Marinette, Wis'; A'-E' t;;;, New Yorki J. B. Montgomery, Pittsburgh, Pa'; W' U. S.ttu"tte, Pitis-burgh, Pa.l Geoige M' Stevens, New Y-ork; ff f. Taylor, Birfialo, N. Y.; F. E. Underhill, Philadelphia, Pa. and Secretary Schupner.
The Washington convention will consider many matters of present day interest to the wholesaler,-,centering about his relationt *ittt manufacturers and retailers, and considering ways and means of further developing his.function,as a wloleiale distributor. Grade-marking in all its angles will be a prominent feature and leaders from the mill and and wholesalers' customers' field will express their views'
The Credit situation will be given special attention, it being realized that the ease with which credit has been obtalned creates a situation which reacts upon the wholesaler and intensifies his financing function.
The Committee on the Cost of Conducting a Wholesale Lumber Business is now making its survey and replies so far received from members indicate that it will be possible this year more than ever before to get authoritative information which will determine more accurately the general average of wholesale distribution costs.
Secretary Schupner states that many reservations have been made and the interest among non-members, as well as members indicates that the meeting in April will be '1 largely attended by wholesalers who will want the last min- 1 utJnews of what is occurring in their industrl"
Reduced railroad rates will be in effect.
Redwood With National Trade-Mark Now Available to Lumber Trade
Agreement to furnish redwood marked with the trademarf of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association to the trade, was come to at a conference held February 19 at San Francisco, between representatives of the mills of the California Redwood Association, and A. C' llorner, manager of the western division,-an-d W. F. Shaw, manager of the" central division, of the National Association'
Paul Freydig, Seattle, manager of the^logging of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., and borne, manager of the piling department, with ters ai Portlind, were recenf visitors to the San offices of the company.
operations A. B. OsheadquarFrancisco
The mill formerly known as the Sunset Lumber Co', Cushman, Ore., has'been bought by a company headed by H. A. Templeton, Inc., Portland, and will be operated by them undei the name of the Cushman Lumber Co'
Walter Scrim On Eastern Trip
Walter Scrim, Los Angeles, United States representattve for the Findlay Millar Timber Co., is in New York on a business trip. - On his return trip. he -will make stops-at V;;;;;;;,'g. C., Seattle, Portland and San Francisco' He will be away about a month.
New Yard At Capistrano Beach
A new retail lumber yard was recently opene9 .tt 9"p- istrano Beach. It is operating under the name ot the Lapi;i;;;; -seach Lumbei and Building Material Supplv Co'