1 minute read
The next time you look at some Redwood lumber of old growth, free from sap (you know the kind) try ao n'l"salize it giving sound service exposed to. the weather fot 25oo years, say up to the year 44oo-Inuedible! Yet there has been discovered up along the northern coast a Redwood tree that can be definitely proven (by ihe count of rings) to have lain exposed on the ground since 571B. C.-exposed to a possible 7 Srooo inches of rainfall-exposed to fires, decay, insect attacks and at the end of twenty-five centuries was cut into shakes foq a lifetime roof. Durability has a new meaning. Redwood lumber pnoves to be as remarkable as the growing Sequoia. Nature made this product and the mills reduce it into many sizes and grades to make it most serviceable for general constrxrction. HoWEVER, THE PUBLIC sHouLD BUy HEART GRADES FOR ALL DAMP AND EXPOSED PLACES. Sap wood in any lumber is not durable when kept in a damp condition. The ratio is likely to be five years for the sPr uP to twenty'five hundred years for the Heart Redwood, yet sap is tasting when kept dry.
Clear Select Ffeart Common FIVE GRADES ALLOWING SAP:
Sap Clear Standard ShopQ6psfructionNo. 3
THE HE TRADE MARK on each piece will help you sell quality Redwood, and as an extra service we will also grademark at your fequest.
MAT{Y HAVE FOUND identified merchandise more profitable than just mere lumber. Our grade-mark for HEART lumber is a symbol f.or 25OO year durability.