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Retailers Strongly Support N. L. M. A. Trade-Grade Markin$ CamPaign
Washington, D. C., I"ebruary l9.-Retail lumber dealers throughoui the countrl' are rrot only giving their endorsement to the trade-grade tttarkttlg canlPalgn ot the '\atlonal Lumber N{anufacturers Association but are assurlllg tlrelr co-operation to .the {ullest possible extent in rnakrng the campalgn a natron-wlde success.
"\lV""ut" very happy that the National Lumber Nlanufacturers Assoiiation - is taking a very definite lorlvard step," says Oscar Lampland of the Lampland l- umber Company, St. Paul, Minn., "and we can-assure.Jou thatou; .o-p"nv welcontes this rnove whole-heartedly and shall stoci< sucl-r materials as sooll as they are available."
Similar expressions come in letters from dealers in cities and towns in all parts of tl-re coutrtry, in reply t9- 1 l-eltgr to them from the Trade Extensiou Bureau oi the N'L'M'A' asking their frank opinions of the trade-grade rnarking movement-a mottemint clesigued to put guarauteed lutnber in every lumber-lluilt American homc or other structure.
Merchandising Feature APPeals
"No other country has ever attempted such a Progresslve plan in lurnber meichandisirtg." declared Dr. Julius Klein bt ttt. U. S. Department of-Commerce itr a nation-r'r'idc radio talk deliveied through the courtesy of the Natio,nal Broadcasting Company on the evening of February 9th' And it is the sound-, the progressive, merchandising feature of the plan that appeals -to the retail lumber merchants of the United States--something that will make the selling of lumber less troublesome and more satisfactory to all concerned in the transaction'
First annouucetnent of the N'I-.X'I'A.'s plan to make the trade-grade marking of lumber universal and to financially gour"it." the trade or gracle mark of each Regional AssoEiation rvith its NATIONAL-TREIi symbol rvill be rnade to the public in a page advertiseurent in the Satur-day Ii-r-enine Post of Nlarcti 9. That announcement rvill be follow"ed by others in general media aud in the -technical press until every person ln America is thoroughly infolmed of the fact that-there no longer is any mystery in lurnb'er buyine: that lumber can be bought with the same degree of .o-trfid.n.e aud assurance rvith lvhich otle buys Government-inspected and stamped packing-house products.. or other pr6ducts that bear thg,stamp of recognized qualiti"
- Value of Plan Obvious to Dealer
The merchandising value of the plan is obvious to every retail lumber distributor, particularly when packed by the financial guarantee of the Nati'onal Lumber [anufacttrrers Association to him that every stick of lumbbr bearing the Regional Association grade-trade mark and the NATION-
AL-TREII syn.rbol is of the grade and size indicated' It is a guarantee ihat tlie clealer ian p".t -on to his customer if hidesires, and something 'ivhich doubtless in many, many instauces will act as a "sales clincher."
That dealers rvho have been fully apprised of the plart upp...i"t. its value to thetl as lumbei merchandisers is ""iclencecl by tl-re sentence from N[r. Lampland's letter,prel'iously quoted, A few of many similar expressions from retail heilers itr r-ariotts sections follow :
"We are heartily in favor of your plan in regard to stamping lumber rvith grade and Association trade-marks "nd ite"*;tling to rvorlirvith you to the fullest s;q1sn1"'Westover-Kamm Company, Bay City, Mich.
"We are heartily in accord *:ith this movement and will be glad to assist in any rvay that we can. It should be a greit help to every reputabie. lumber.dealer."-Viney-Mi1liken Lumber Company, Covina, Calif.
Higher giratiiy, More Uniforrn Grades
"Frankly,-w. at:" ,rery much interested in the bettering of trade c-onditions through this campaign and can assure vou that vou maY expect the heartiest co-operatron irom lr.tr .or.tprtty".-fhe i. W. Metz Lumber Company, Coffevville. Kansas.
""It -.un, higher quality and more unif.orm grades and this certainly ii to the advantage of retailers' We were just talking'in our office this morning horv much better iu-ber *"" "r. furnishing the public loday than we did twenty to twenty-fi'r'e yeals ago, and this is large-lf due to the manufacturers making a better product .!y llt" -Y:" :i better machinery and more care ln gradlng..-\'Y: Y' Sweet, Harris, IrlcHenry & Baker Company,-Elmira. N- Y'
Leading lumber manufacturers in all producing regions -",{,ms1ic2's Best Mills"-are also strongly supporttng the movement, not only by signing agreements to tradegrade mark their. lurnber but urging other tnanufacturers to do likervise.
Means Much to Lumber-BuYing World
"It is unnecessary for me to remind men.of imagination of what it means io have the lumber-buying world conI'inced that to get good material it iq enggSh to buy their oroduct-the lumbe"r with the NATIONAL-TREE symbol tn it," says E. L. Carpenter, preside-nt of Shevlin, Carnenter & elarke Co. and of the-N.L.M.A. "I urge you to equip your mills to mark your Standard lumber, and to infor- your trade that you-will supply it with marked lumber conforming to the specifications recommended- by the National Lum6er Manufacturers Association and featured in National advertising."
(Continued on Page D)