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Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club
Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen"s Associaiion, made a special trip from his home at C"tJ"" Grove to address the meeting of the Sacramento n;lG; Lumbermen's Club, held at thJ Hotel Senator, Sac,.-"ito, February 16.
Mr. Lake gave a comprehensive acco.unt of thg.present ""ti"iti.r of -the State Association, and some of its past p"tii..tt"tly the work- dor-r9- bv its. Legislative Committee. iitittg the iact that the Wisconsin Lumber;;; A;r;ciation f,as within its fold more than.95 per. cent oi ttr. retail lumbermen of the state, the speaker .said he looks forward to the day when the California Retatl Lum;;.tr Association *ilt h"n" as members 75 to 8Q le1 ;;;f ;f lt" tOZg lumber yards in the state, and- predicted ;h;; thir a;y is not far disiant' as he expected a25 per cent sain in the next 60 daYs.
- irtr.--i"r.eis- talk *". both interesting and instructive, and was thoroughly enjoyed by everybody -present' In ii"ti"g he expreised his appreciation of the fine cooperation oT the diiectors of the association' "-lt" n. Brink, The Diamond Match Co', Chico, president of ift" .f"f, thanked Mr. Lake for his talk, and -called for "r "*pt.ttion of opinion on the matter of adopting segre"ot.a'srades and American Lumber Standard Sizes' --C-nl Bleek"t, Eagle Lumber Company, San Francisco'
H. C. Clark, Booth-Kelly Lum'ber Company, Sacramento' Oscar Miller, Knox Lumber Company, Sacramento' and lo E. Sfr.paid, Friend & Terry Lumber Company, Sacra- -*.trto, contributed to this discussion' "- ff. E"tmes, Wo6dland Lumber Co', Woodland, talked on"the question of including brick manufacturers to increase the commission on the sale of brick'
E.-T. noUi", Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn, vice-president of tt. Northern District of the State Association,- fepoft;a ;; the activities of the various committees of the association, and announced the appointment of a sash and door committee at an earlY date. --i.
Icr H. Shepard reported that three Sacramento yards hai recently ^signed up for membership in the State Asr*i"ti"", uita ti"t two others are- ready -to sign up, making Sacramento membership practically 100 pei cent' - -N""tt Adams, Noah Adams L'umber Co', Oakland, and
Fire At Placerville
Fire destroyed the planing mill, part.of the lumber shed "tta t*o dweliing houies belonglng to the J' B' Blair Lumber Co., Placerville, FebruarY 15.
Geo. L. Meissner, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi, also spoke' The attendance was "t follo*t: I. E. Brink, The Diamond Match Co., Chico; C. D. LeMaster, Sacramento; E' T: nofi., Auburn Lumber Co., Auburn; E. T..Seagrave and A- H. Wetherbee, The Paraffine Companies, Inc', San Francisco; S. J. Hauge, Lumbermen's Credit Bureau, Sacramento; j. p. tltarte! and A. E. Nelson, Homestead Lumber Co., 'S'acramento; p. O. Butler, Western Lumber Co', Sacramento; N. J. Danielson, Pioneer Paper Co', San Frarrcisco; b.o. VV. Robittton, Booth-Kelly Lumbet qo" Stockton; H. M. Isenhower, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co', Sacramento; S. Lindroth, Capital Lumber Co., Sacrametto; .W. i. Wallace, Ilammond tumber Co., Sacramento; J' {' Holmes, Woodiand Lumber Co., Woodland; N' -E' Koshell, Cutter tUitt t T umber Co., Sacramento; C. A' Minard, Cut ter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento; J. M. Bingham, The Diamond Match Co., Oroville; H. F. Duncan, Sterling Lumber Co., Folsom; Ray P. Hunter, Sterling-LuIrber .Co', Oroville; M. M. Daubin, Sterling Lumber Co., Roseville; F. G. Duitle, Sterling Lumber Co, Oakland; A. M' Charter, Sterling Lumber C"o., Oaklan4; A. M- Charter, S1e-rling I-u-t.? Co., Oakland; H. A. Massey, The Diamond Match Co., Rosevifle; C. G. Chipchase, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., S".t"*enio; F. N' Binton, The-Diamond Match Co', Sacramento; Hairy Arnold, Pacific Portland Cement Co', San Francisco; R.-E,. Tracy, Friend & Terry Lu-mber Co', Sacramento; J. B. Hazelton, Oakland; G' W. K' Adams, Noah Adams-Lumber Co., Walnut Grove; Noah {d1ms, Norh ,ta"-s Lumber Co., Oakland; Jo H. Shepard, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacrame-nlo; G. C. Burnett, Burnett Lu-bei Co., Tulare; Geo' L. Meissner, Valley Lumbqr-Co', Loai; ;as. Tully, General Sttpply Co., Fairoaks; E' C' Clark, booth-Keily Lumber Co., Sacramento; W. B' Dearborn,'Loomis Lumber Co., Loomis; G. R. B-leecker,- PSgt' Lumber Co., San Francisco; J. P. Brewer, Redwood ]M"tufacturers Co., Pittsburg; W. N. Baker, Friend-.& Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento; D. A. Williamson,-Williamson Lumber Co., Gatt; Tom Brown, J. E. Higg-ins Lumber Co', Sacramentoi O. }I. Miller, Knox Lumber Co., Sacra{rento; i. M.Brid., Davis Lumber Co., Davis; H. A. Laker Ga1d99 Grove Lum6er Co., Garden Grove; W. T' Black, The California Lumber Merchant, San Francisco.
H. A. Libby, assistant manager-of the Little River Redwood Company's plant at Crannell' was recently operated on for appendiiitij at Eureka, and is now doing very nicely'