1 minute read
Get set for a Big
The buyers of building materials in 1929 are going to be more discriminating than ever before . . . they will expect greater value for every dollar . . . tnd better service with every order'
That is why Pioneer dealers may look forward to one of their best and biggest years . ' ' the keener the competition the better the Pioneer Dealer is situated to get the business!
Pioneer gt"e" its dealers a complete Iine of super quality roofings, Pioneer Yosemite Rock Sur' faced Shingles and insulating and damp proofing building papers it gives them the full coopera' tion of its Engineering Department, advertising and sales promotior . . it carries immense stocks to filt dealer needs immediatelY.
And now it ofiers them the two new products described on trhe right . o glance will show you why Pioneer dealers will have every advantage this year . . . and every year to come!