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lear with Pioneer!
Pioneer Copperclad Shingles
The copperclad is a modern, improved copper shingle especially adaptable for reridence roofing. It hes all the we_aring and protective qualities of any copper roof, but ita scientific construction makec it decid'edly lower in cost. The National Board of Fire Underwriters have awarded Copperclad their highest rating . THE clAss "A" LABEL. without ttre use of asbestoE fert undemeath. The copperclad ir not only a beautiful and amazingly durable shingle but ir absolutely weatherproof ! Coppercladg are made in loxl2 inch Individualr, 12x32 inch three-in-one stripr and 13t/2x36 inch Hexagonal strips.
Pioneer Winthrop Tapered Shingles
Pioneer winthrop Tapered shingles are thick and extra heavy et the buttr and thin at the tops a feature that maker them lie fat and fit snugly to the roof and to each other. And what a beautiful shadowline the thick heavy butts produce on the finished roof ! They are made of the same time and weather resisting rnateriah ued'in all Pioneer Euper qu'tity shingles and they are rurfaced with natural, abrolutely non-fading yosemite rock in red, green, blue-black, tile and Copper Blend shades. Made in 1Ox16 inch individuals laying 5 inches to the weather. They weigh 325 potmds to the square and are packed 4 bundles to the tquare.
Here are two productr that Wectern ownera and architects have waited for . . . and the only placer on the Pacific Coast where they will be available will be at the Pioneer dealers!