5 minute read
Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club Meets at Watsonville
Interesting discussions on problems afiecting the rqtail lumber busfueis, and'a splendid.attendance of members z*"r" features of th'e regular monthly dinner meeting of the / Coast Counties Lumbeimen's Club' held at the Hotel Appt"lon, \Aratsonville, Friday evening, February 15' W. H. Enlow, Hammond Lumber Co', Watsonville, presided.
'/ L. M. Tynan, TYnan Lumber Co., Salinas, addressed the meeting ott th. subject of "Misuse of Credit by -Irrespon- sible Cintractors," in the course of which he made a numf"i "t carefully thought out suggestions for remedying this evil.
Considerable discussion developed from Mr' Tynan's t"tt , ttr" result of this being a decision on the motion of Ho-.. T. Haywarcl, Salinas, to refer the matter to the ;;;;t". .o-rtritt"" for action. Those joining in the discussion included C. H. Griffin, Jr', Homer T' Hayrvard Lu*bet Co., Salinas; Henry L. Wills, Gilroy Central l-umber Co., Giiroy; George W. Wood, Wood Bros', Santa Ci"i; p. C. go"o.L, Gilroy Lumber Co', Gilroy; J' O'.Handlev. Murphv Building Nlaterials, Carrnel; Bert Atkinson, ei;ira"r." Slpply Col Gitrov; W, A. Rales. McKinnon's L.t-U.t Yard, Hollister, and W. H' Enlow, Watsonville' - $; B. Moore, llomer T. Hayrvarcl Lumber Co', Salinas, 'pot." o'' ..How Are We Going to NIeet i\{ail order }Iotrse Competition ?"
Paul Overend, field man for the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, tolcl of the proposed changes in the California Lien f.arv, which will remedy to a great extent the evils dealt rvith by the first speaker, if the bill is passed blthe Legislature. Ut. Overend, who is Vicegerent Snark oi ttt. Co"ast Counties. annottncecl that a Hoo Hoo Concatenation will be held in the Old Kentucky House, Cala""i"t Coo"ty, March 23, follorving the jo-int-meeting of .the three valley'clubs at Stockton, and the Milhvork Institute Conference.
J. E. Norton, Nortou-Phelps-Lumber Co', Santa Cruz, is pr"esiclent of the club. Geo. N. Ley, Santa Cruz, is viceiresident: O. E. Chase, Pacific, Grove, is treasurer, and C' 'H. Gtimn. Jr.. Salinas. is secretarl'. The executive committee is as-follorvs: Geo. N. Ley, Santa Cruz; II' S' Her*ir. W"t.onville; Bert Atkinson. Gilroy; J' O' Hantllel', Ca?mel; A. C. Hayn'ar<I. Salinas. and J' H' Kirk' San I-uis Obispo. J. H. Norton and C. H. Griffin, Jr'. are ex-ofticro members.
Those who attended $'ere: Wendell Van Hottteu' \Mood Bros. Co., Santa Cruz; S. B' Nloore, Homer T' Hayrvard
I-umber Co., Salinas; C. H. Grifien, Jr., Homer T', Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas; L. M. Tynan, Tynan Lumber Co', S"litr;;; i. A- Work, Jr.; The-Work Lumber.Co', N{onterey; if S. He.wig, Watsonville Lumber Co., ^Wa-tson- ville;'F. C. Boock, Gilroy Lumber Co., Gilroy;-J-'9'I{utdley, iltlurphy Building Materials, Carmel; W. H. Eubanks, Murptty ^ nlitaing Materials, Carmel; Malcolm Sinclair, Wooa'Bro.. Coi Santa Ctuz; Bob Anderson, Murphy Building Materials, Carmel; Tim -Ryan, Ty^"11.|:oPber Co', SalinasiW. J. H. Roper, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co', Santa Cruz; W. e. Bales, McKinnon's Lumber Yard, Hollister; e. j. 'OaUaaie, Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Santa -Cruz-; O' E. thase, Chase's Lumber Yard, Pacific Grove; Lloy4 N!' Hebbron, Hayward Lumber Co., Santa Cruz; Geo' L' Stoltenberg, Chaie's l-umber Yard, Pacific Grove; Frank Sparlins. Eayward Lumber Co., Hollister; Burnham Stone, HJ ward Lumber Co., Salinas; A. L. Gillett, Work Lumber Co, Monterey; G. L. Stephens. Work I- umber Co', Monterey; C. O. Kelly, Gilroy T.umber C-o.' !'il19f ; A. C. Hay*"ri,'Homer T. Haywaid Lumber Co., Salinas; {-en1y. 9' Will;, Gilroy Centril Lumber Co', Gilroy.; Jos.-H. Kirk, Southern Patific Milling Co., San Luis Obispo; Homer-T' Hayward, Salinas; J. A. Greenelsh,- P. C. Coal Co., Sqn Luis Obiipo; Edwaid R. Burke, Builders' Supply^ Co- Gilroy; James M. Maddock, Santa Cruz Lumber Co', Santa Ciu'"i W. H. Enlow, Hammond Lumber Co., Watsonville; Chesfer Stalter, The Work Lumber Co., Pacific Grove; Glenn Bronson, Homer T. Hayrvard l,umber Co', \Matsonville; Karl Bell, Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co', Salinas; Seba Bronson, Alla C. McCarthy, Castroville; I\{ilton Her' wig, Watsonville Lumber Co', Watsonville; Stanley Olave, Wiisonville Lumber Co., Watsonville; P. E. Overend, California Retail Lumbermen's Assn., San Francisco; J' H' Heick, Hammond Lumber Co., lMatsonville; R' P' Davi,orr, Iio*., T. Hayrvard Lumber Co., Pacific Grove; Otto W. Rogge, Homer-T. Hayr,vard Lumber Co., Watson-ville; H. A. Fiince, Tynan Lumber Co., Monterey; H' E' Yollt' Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Pacific Grove; A, V' Uzzell, Murphy Building Materials, C"tI".-l; J. .F. lIY.tPhy: Murphy nuitai"g Mat-erials, -Carmel; J.-P. Daly, Builders' Supptrj Co., Gilioy; O. B. Nye, Wood Bros. Co', Santa Cti;: George W. Wood, Wood Bros., Santa Cruz; Bert Atkinson, B"uilders'-supply Co., Gilroy; Fred A' Witmer, secretary-manager, Monterey Lumber -Merchants' Assn' ; H. B. Chadbourne, Salinas- Lumber Co., Salinas; F' L' Savre. Sterlins Lumber Co', Oakland; C. L' Frederick, iii.f irg Lumtir Co., Salinas; W. T. Black, The California Lumber Merchant, San Francisco.
National Retailers Strongly Support Trade-Grade Mark Campaign
(Continued from Page 20)
Among other manufacturers who are behind the movement are: J. D. Tennant, The fong-Bell Lumber Co., Longview, Wash.; R. B. White, Excliange Saw Mill Sales Co., Kansas City, Mo.; John lJ Kaul, Kaul Lumber Co., Birmingha_m, Ala.; H. C. Hornby, Weyerhaeuser Forest Products Co.,,_Cloquet, Minn.; A. J. Peavy, Peavy-Brynes Lumber C_o., Shreveport, La.; W. A. Picliering, Pickering Lumber_ Co.,_Kansas City, Mo.; Ernest Do-ige, Ernesi Dolge, Inc., Tacoma, Wash.; A. C. Dixon, The Booth4elly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore., and A. Trieschmann, Crossett-Watsek-Gates Co., Chicago, Ill.

Signed agreements from leading manufacturers to tradcgrade mark their lumber and g'uarantee it rvith the NA- TIONAL-TREE, symbol alreidy received at N.L.M.A. headquarters, assure that a plentiiul supply of guaranteed lumber for dealers who rvah.t to stock it-rvill "shortlv be available.
-Forty..-_three mills with a total annual capaciiy of 2 billion, 335 million board feet, locited in virtuallv all oroducing regions, had signed such agreements up to Februa-rl -1_8,_ ryltl1 more coming in daily as represitttatives of the N.L.M.A. call on them.
Brown & Derry Open Wholesale Office
The Brown & Derry Lumber Co. have leased their Los Angeles yard and are notv located at 330 'Western pacific Building, Los Angeles. In the future they will clo a gen- eral wholesale lumber business in both cirloads and -less carload lots for delivery direct from the car.
Guy E. Lumber Francisco.
Crow, general manager of the pacific-Atlantic Corporation, tvas a recent visitor to San
West Coast Fire Losses
Washington, Feb. 12.-In spite of ll,ZS4 forest fires in five Pacific Coast states and in British Columbia, compara- tively little merchantable timber was burnt durine i92g. according to figures recently received from the Western Forestry and Cons_ervation Association. Total log loss was reported as $,81,850. Acreage of commercially-valu_ able timber more or less damaged was reported as arnount_ ing to but 156,400.
_ California reported more than 30 per cent of the actual loss of merchantable timber, which amounted, however, to only 244,0@,000 feet,-a relative loss so low as to be haidly pe_rceptible. Washington reported the greatest loss o1 felled trees in log form, their value amoun-ting to $27o,ffi.
The total acreage suffering from fires, including brush lands, refores^ting.-areas and merchantable timber"stands, amounted to 965,400 acres. Losses of merchantable timbei 9l rrJlt^ft*ere rep_orted as: O_r_egon , 24,3@,W feet; Idaho, lQ,flq,qry feet; California, 76,900,000 feet; W"rfiinii"", 13,500,000 feet; Montana, 14,5O0,000 feet and -British Coju*_ bia, 14,500,000 feet.
The- above figures include private, state and government owned lands. The season rvas rep_orted as having been a very expensive one for _the proteciive agencies, *itt, *ore fires than rrsual but rvith grCat success ii preventingf;;;;i losses.
T. CooPcr Curtb \illlErnr