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Up and Down the
Sydney M, Hauptman, vice-president- of the Chas. R. Mceormick Lumber Company, and of the McCormick Steamship Company, madehis-first aPpearance at his office on February 14, hiving been confined to his home by illness since May 21,
Mr. Hauptman was severely injured on the date mentioned in J head-on collision on the Peninsula highway, south of San Francisco.
D. I\IcNeil, manager of the creosoting department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., St. Helens, Ore., was a recent visitor to the l-os Angeles and San Francisco offices of the company, on his tvay back from the East where he attended the convention of ihe American Wood Preservers Association.
The Springfield Cedar -Company of Oakland, California are just iompleting the installation of four of Moore's Reversible Inteinal Fan Kilns of the Cross Circulation type. This company reports that because of their increased production additional dry kiln facilities were necessary. After considering and investigating the different types of kilns on the market today they chose Moore's Cross Circulation Kilns.
R. F. Hamilton, manager of western sales for the Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, left on February 13 for an extended business trip to the southlvestern and southern states.
Mr. Hamilton called at Los Angeles on his way south, and is now in Texas where he will visit the principal cities, and confer with A. R. Cotton, the company's Texas field representative.
California Redwood Association T1as New Field Man
W. L. Hook, formerly an enginee,r with The Foundation Company, has been appointed as field man fornia Redwood Association, accordtng to ment by R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager for the Calian announceof the association.
Mr. glneer Hook's experience includes trvo years as bridge enfor Sonoma County, Calif.
Texas Salesman Visits California
F. W. Stanley, salesman for the Pickering Lumber Co' at Fort Worth, Texas, recently spent a week visiting the San Francisco office and the company's plants in Tuolumhe County.
Gilroy Firm Makes Improvdments
Builders' Supply Co., Gilroy, recently completed a large addition to their shed.
Good Profits Can be Made on Remodeling Jobs
The house pictured here is typical of countless old houses to be found in every community, each a potential remodeling job. Such houses, as a rule, were so well constructed that they will endure for many years, but they are undesirable because their style is so hopelessly out of date.
The owner of this house transformecl it into an attractive
Announce the Consolidation of their Lumber Department under J. H. Prentice and the Box Department under M. S. Lopes, Jr., at modern home 'by applying Creo-Dipt Stair-red Shingles right over the old siding. An old-fashioned porch was torn away and replaced by a modern entrance, old windows were replaced by new ones, and several improvements were made inside the house. A profitable bill of lumber and material rvas sold for this work.

Besides improving the appearance of an old house, CreoDipt Stained Shingles over old siding mean grearer protec_ tion from winter cold and sutnmer heat, and they solve the painting problem for 1'ears ro come.
New Skyscraper Apartment Building Adorns Ocean Front
. Long Beach has a nerv reason for its civic pride; a towering reason, founded upon a cliff near the ocein. it is none other than the Casa Rivie-ra.. l4-story_ apartment building. A magnificent structrlre of imposing beiuty an<l architeE_ tural design, and unquestionably orie of th-e most notable structure is norv adorning East Ocean Avenue. in Lone Beach. Protection of the structure against sea erosiofi 1:.nrovidea -!.y " t-wo-story garage on"pile t."ira"ti"rr. Richard D. King, of Los Angeles,-is the-architect; Kinne &_ Westerhouse, of Los Angeles, general contractors; and Hammond Lumber Company of Long Beach furnished ao- proximately 45,000 sacks of Victor Portland Cement us6cl in the building,
Electric Fland Saw
The saw you ake to the lumber instead of thc lumber to the saw.
Built in sizes for all clesses of work where a port. able hand saw cilr be used.
Operates from ordinary light socket. Veight l0 to 26 lbe.
The 10Jb. saw ided for cutting veneer.
Why not investigate the many places you can use a SKILSA\V in your businese?
Syntron motorless electrio 'hammerr for concrete drilling and chipping. For erecting machin. ery and remodeling jobs.