1 minute read
Improvements at Salinas
Salinas Lumber Co., Salinas, is building a new shed and lumber rack and also modernizing the office. H. B. Chadbourne, former well known lumber salesman, is manager of this concern.
When You Sell
Booth-Kelly Douglaa Fir, the Association grade and trade mark certify to your customers the guality of the stock you handle. Builders quit guessing about what they're buying, and buy where they know what they're getting.
General Salec Omce: Failing Bldg., Portlrnd, Ore. Millc: Wendling, Ore., Spfigfield, Ore.
California Officer
STOCKTON 266 Wilhoit Bldg. Gco. r*f. Robirroa Srlcr Agcat
LOS ANGELES Zll Ccotrel Bldg. A. T. Show, Selcr O6cc
"Red" Wood Scys;
Your customers will soon be aftet Redwood Bean Poles. .Build up )rour stock of Redwood Bean Poles nowprompt service cteates satisfied cuEtomers.