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Red River Lumber Co. Show Attractive Exhibit at Southwestern Convention

I / The accompanying illustrations are views of the Red / River Lumber Company exhibit at the Southwestern ReY tail Lumbermen's Association annual convention held at Witchita, Kansas, on January 28, 29 and 30, 1931.

The exhibit was built at Westwood, Calif., and shipped to Wichita in charge of J. R. Hufbauer, the Red River Lumber Company representative, in that territory. The exhibit was designed to show the r.ariety of products avail- wall. This door had a section cut out and swung on hinges to show the interior core of the "Paul Bunyan 16/o' core, lffi% laminated, lffi% Calif.ornia Pine." Built-in units were represented by a glazed cupboard and a dining nook. Bungalow siding, moulding, and Red River finished panels, both in the sandblast-color treatment and the new process of smooth surface two-color treatment were exhibited. able to dealers from their Westwood plant, including Log Cabin siding and Knotty Pine doors to go with it, together with Knot.ty Pine plywood wall panels in both one piece face and strip faces. Window sash and frames, and doors in hardwood and Pine were included. The hardwood door with mahogany veneer is shown in the illustration removed from its hanging and standing at the end of the

REDWOOD in units which exhibits loaned

Each of these two walls r'vas assembled can be separated and used as individual to dealers.

Why the largest millr are inrtalling our IMPROVED AIR COOLED REFI'SE BURNERS.



This carefulty detailed dignified home, with connecting garage, refects an amazing amount of attractiveness and conveniencer and from t{re alternate foob plans, liale if any trouble should be experienred in adopting it to meet and care for your requiremetrte.

The inside patio is a wonderful feature, provides ideal space for recreation, pleasing exposure for the rooms and is a real beauty spot. Altogether it is a home that is truly difiereni and appealing.

Plans for this attractirrc home can be fumished by thc Lumbermen's Service Association

Fay Building, Los Angcler

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