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State Association and Redwood Committees Meet at Los Angeles
Ralph P. Duncan
Members of the Lumber Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association and the Redwood Relationship Committee held a meeting at the Jonathan Club, Los Angeles, on February 13.
Ralph P. Duncan, Merced Lumber Co., Merced, chairman of the State Association's Lumber Committee presided. Chairman Duncan called the meeting to order immediately following breakfast.
Mason E. Kline, Union Lumber Co., San Francisco, read the report of the committee on crib construction, prepared by H. M. Cochran, Union Lumber Co. The report was entitled "Redwood Crib Construction-Its Advantages, Application and Erection". After considerable discussion on this subject it was decided to have the report condensed and printed for distribution to fire chiefs, archite'cts and building inspe'ctors.
Herb Klass, The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, presented a report on the subject of "Redwood Side Walls vs. Stucco".
C. H. Griffin, Jr., Ifomer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Salinas, reported on "The Firm. Price Policy". Henry Faull, Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, speaking on this subject quoted from Col. Greeley's speech at the recent annual meeting of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, in which he deplored the dumping of lumber on the California market.
Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena, led discussion on the thickness of siding allowed to be used under the Uniform Building Code.
C. E. DeCamp, Caspar Lumber Co., San Francisco, gave a report on the merchandising of Stru,cutral Redwood.
Kenneth Smith, Lumber and Allied Products Institute of Southern California, Los Angeles, addressed the meeting on the working of the association.
Harry A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, spoke on the subject of cooperation.
Elmore King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield, and C. H. Griffin, Jr., reported on the small homes project, and at Mr. King's suggestion he and Mr. Griffin agreed to get an expression of opinion from the various lumber ,clubs as to the best method to be used for the promotion of the wood homes idea.
It was decided to hold the next meeting in Sacramento on May 16.
Those in attendance were:
Ralph Duncan, Merced Lumber Co., Merced; Earl Johnson, Johnson Lumber Co., Pasadena; Harry A. Lake, Garden Grove; C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumber Co., Whittier; C. H. Griffin, Jr., Salinas; Elmore King. Bakersfield; Fred V. Holmes, and J. H. Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco; C. E. DeCamp, Caspar Lumbeq Co., San Francisco; Henry Faull, Ifammond Lumber Co., San Francis,co; Herb Klass, The Pacific Lumber Co.. San Francisco; M. E. Kline, Union Lumber Co., San Fran,cisco; Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Henry Hink, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., San Francisco; Herb Dalton, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co.. Eureka; Howard Dessert, Humboldp Redwood Co., Eureka; E. A. Goodrich, Union Lumber Co., Los Anseles: Earl E. Bowe, N.M.L.A., I-os Angeles; Gus Hoover] The Pa'cific Lumber Co., Los Angeles; W. H. Hamilton, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Andy Donovan, Hobbs Wall & Co., Los Angeles; E. Seward, Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Kenneth Smith, Los Angeles; R. W. Smith, California Redwood Association, San Francisco.
Rcre.. t2.50 pacodurnn incl The F'ellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Planing Mill Machinery for sde. All modern, new 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndike 8'160.
Retail Yard Manager, Bookkeeper, Sales Promotion Salesman, Plan Book Service, Los Angeles Experience, seeks position. Address Box C-364 California Lumber Merchant.
I want to buy an interest and assume managemen! q! " lumber yard in'or near Los Angeles. Address Box C-371, California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced young man wants work with lumber concern,-either office.or yard, retail or wholesale. Address Box C-373, California Lumber Merchant.
Lumberman with wholesale and retail experience-several years retail experience in Los Angeles Co_unty. Famifiar with all branches of Mill, Wholesale and Re'tail ends of the business. Can furnish references. Will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-372, California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position As Salesman Or Yard Manager
Open for position with wholesale or retail lumber concern, sellinf or manager of yard. 14 years' _e_xperience, wholesale and retail, in Southern California. Knows the trade requirements. Can furnish recommendations. Will appreciafe an interview. Address Paul Kent, 318 Central B,iitdit g, Los Angeles, Calif.
General Manager Wanted
Live, up-to-date lumber, Mitl and building materid burinecs in fart-growing, substantial euburban city of Bey Diatrict har opening for generd manager.
Salec for part 1O yearr have averaged over $35O'OOO.fi) annually.- Propore to pay salary for balance of 1931. At end of year if mutGlb agtreeable, directorc will elect menager prerident, it ihich time hc wilt bG expected to invect not leac than $1O'00O.OO h the corn' pany. A largpr inveatnrcnt up to $5Or(XX).QO-it-qp' ii"""t. PresJnt manager and principd rtock-holder ir withdrawing to devote time to other intereetr.-Applicantr will not be considered who are unable to make minimum invertment This it a remartable op' portunity for the right man Ad&e-rs Box C'375' -7o Celifornia Lumber Merchant.
Wanted A Mill Superintendent
Wanted a mill superintendent, as well as being capable of taking ,charge of i planing mill. City type of .work. We would like to fiave a man who is a competent sticker man. Address Box C-374, California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position As Salesman Or Sales Promotion Work
Salesman with several years' association and sales promotion experience, and having wide acquaintance among Northern California Lumbermen, is open for engagement. Prefers line of building material. Would like to cover territory from Oregon line to Bakersfield and San Luis Obilpo. Prifers salary, bonus and car allowance. Address Box C-376. Califoinia Lumber Merchant,'112 Market St., San Francisco, California.
The office of the California Lumber Merchant is corutantly receiving applica' tions, fromboth men and women, dedring work with lumber concernt. Mogt of tfiese have had previous lumber experience.
When you are in need of help of any kind, eitfter office o! yardr why not get the habit of calling us first and giving us an opportunityto be of Eeryice to yotr as well as to thoei needing employment? There is no charge with this servicer to employer or employee.