3 minute read
Some Customers You Meet
Bv Jack Dionne
The building ncrtericl scrlesrnqn meels mcny types ol buyers cnd prospective buyers, cnd must be prepcred to "hcnrdle" ecch oI them crs the necessity crrirees. Among the types he meets <rre these: l. The Good Ncrtured Custoner: He smiles crt your effort* Snile with him, cnd lcrugh ct your own expenae when you get the chance. It hetps the scrle.
2. Ttre Doubting Customer: He questions and doubts every slctement you mcke. Delinite fccts qnd tigures in concrete lomr help c lot with thi" lellow.
3. The Disputive Customen Welcomes crn crgument so he cqn ghow his knowledge oI certqin subiect* A mild lonn ol combqt plecses him. Cater to this notiou oI his. But be carelul not to overslep the urcrk g. The Price Buyer: B<ry Scrberson scrys (crnd I hecrrtily cgree) that the toughest time in the lile of the crvercge retcil building merchcmt is when a guy with c bill ol mcterisls in one hcmd, crnd q roll of good Anercqn money in the olher, wallcs up to tbe decrler's desk, lcys down lhe mcrtericrl lisL G111d scys-"Now frgget by gummyt" How to hcmdle this guy requires c book crll by itseU. We'll leave it lor lurther crttention
{. The Tcrcitura Custonen One oI the hcrdesi tlpes to hcmdle. He puts out nothing you ccrn turu to crs showing interest. Watch the eye ol this lellow, cnd be less tcrlkcrtive thcnr with the cvercrge buyer. In ihe lcmgucrge ol the bridge plcyer, youte got to "finesse" this type ol buyer.
5. The Technical Custoner: Usucrlly c prolessioncrl ncn ol sone sort. Never "guess" with hin. You nust Kl,lOW crnd BE SIIBE ol whcrt you tell him qbout your goods curd mctericls.
6. The ftnpolite Customen Bcrely met by the polite scrlesman. But when You do meet one, match his inpoliteness with your good nqnners. It mcy not help you c lot, but it won't give hlm additioncl things to fuss cbout.
7. The Custoner Who Ccnnot Scry Yes: There are lots ol these, cnd lhey cne hcud to hcmdle. The sqle$ncm has to be smcnt enough to be buyer cud seller both, and lo close the scle when he shows weqkness, sigm it, cnd get out ol there.
1939 National Small Homes Demonstration Wolmanized Lumber and Teco Program Announced Connectors lot Dry Dock
Washington, D. C.-The first announcement of the 1939 National Small Homes Demonstration has just been distributed by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association and National Retail Lumber Dealers Association to nearly m,000 lumber dealers throughout the United States.
Containing a letter from Don Campbell, President of the N.R.L.D.A., and a statement from James G. IVIcNary, N. L. M.A. head, the announcement, which is patterned after a broadside, asks all dealers to "work together" during the campaign.
The announcement lists ,numerous sales helps that are available to lumbermen as aids in selling small homes. Plans, specifications, material lists, sales manuals, display models, advertising helps, news stories, etc., are ofiered in this cooperative program.
The two small homes to be built as demonstrators this year, and of which there are six variations each, are illustrated and, in the words of Mr. McNary, offer "an opportunity for increasing our business volume that is better than that of any other great industry."
A blank for registering as a cooperator in the National Small Homes Demonstration was sent dealers with the broadside. Those so registering will receive unusual advertising in that their names will be made available to prospects visiting the Small Homes Demonstrators that are to be constructed at the New York and San Francisco World's Fairs.
Washington, Feb. 16.-A contract specifying all Wolmanized lumber and the timber connector system of construction, for the erection of two towers on each of five pontoons of Floating Dry Dock No. 2, has just been accepted by the Port of Portland.
The specifications for the ten towers called for approximately 1,250,000 feet of Douglas fir, fully prefabricated before vacuum-pressure preservative treatment, and 13,000 four-inch Teco split rings and shear plates.
The lumber for this dry dock will be cut largely by sawmills on the harbor of Portland. The untreated lumber will be barged to the sawmill of Crossett Western Co., Wauna, Oregon for complete fabrication by the Arch-Rib Construction Company of Portland, in advance of Wolmanizing.in the Wauna plant of the American Lumber & Treating Co. The finished product will then be barged back to Portland harbor for erection.
Towers on only one pontoon will be replaced at a time so that the Port of Portland will have 8O per cent of the capacity of this dry dock available for merchant marine service during repairs in addition to service from their other dry docks which are not being rebuilt at this time.
Annual Membership Meeting March 1s
The California Retail Lumbermen's Association will hold its annual membership meeting at the Hotel Padre, Bakersfield, Saturday, March 18.